Is there anyway to make that the part where you enter your credit card information is open by default, instead of the part where you enter your paypal information?
For those of you working on the latest implementation of Express Checkouts, all you need to do to have the credit card tab open by default is add an extra &SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE=US
(or any country code for the matter as default) to the nvpstring before doing a SetExpressCheckout
and it will begin working like a wonder.
Cheers :)
for people reaching here from google and still cant manage to solve it , there are several key factors to this :
PayPal parameters: if you look at PayPal's API there are 3 relevant fields: LANDINGPAGE, USERSELECTEDFUNDINGSOURCE, SOLUTIONTYPE .
Not sending email parameter. change email parameter to '' (blank) . if you do send email parameter it will always open the login tab.
Cookies. no matter what you do , if the user have a PayPal cookie on his browser , the login tab will open by default (and the above parameters will be ignored) there is no solution for that (as far as I know) so make sure you check if it works with a cookie virgin browser.
The only way to do that is with Express Checkout. In your SetExpressCheckout request you set SOLUTIONTYPE=Sole and LANDINGPAGE=Billing.
This will force the full credit card form to be displayed so people can enter a credit card without creating a PayPal account...
This can't be done with Payments Standard, unfortunately. "Guest Checkout" is available with Payments Standard, but it's all cookie based, so if any person on the computer being used has ever signed in to a PayPal account it will assume that's what they'll be doing in the future and it won't present the credit card option.
This question came up again and I had more information to provide. Check it out.