I want to check whether the value of a style element is greater than a particular value (i.e., is left > 666px ?), but I am unable to get ahold of the value.
Here is
You may capture the Computed Css value as shown in the firebug screenshot below:
like this:
WebDriver web = new FirefoxDriver(;
String visibility = web.findElement(By.xpath("//your xpath")).getCssValue("display");
If you execute .getAttribute("style")
on that span, you will recieve a String.
left: 666px; top: 27px;
You can use string manipulation to fetch a particular style.
Alternatively, you can execute some javascript magic using the JavaScriptExecutor, and fetching the left
value directly by
String script = "var thing = window.document.getElementById('da2c');
window.document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(thing, null).getPropertyValue('left');";
and then check it from there.
driver.findElement(By.locator( yourLocator )).getAttribute( requiredAttribute )
It will return String