I have three tables named
**Student Table**
id name
1 ali
2 ahmed
3 john
4 king
**Course Table**
Don't join like that. It's a really really bad practice!!! It will slow down the performance in fetching with massive data. For example, if there were 100 rows in each tables, database server have to fetch 100x100x100 = 1000000
times. It had to fetch for 1 million
times. To overcome that problem, join the first two table that can fetch result in minimum possible matching(It's up to your database schema). Use that result in Subquery and then join it with the third table and fetch it. For the very first join --> 100x100= 10000
times and suppose we get 5 matching result. And then we join the third table with the result --> 5x100 = 500.
Total fetch = 10000+500 = 10200
times only. And thus, the performance went up!!!
Query to join more than two tables:
SELECT ops.field_id, ops.option_id, ops.label
FROM engine4_user_fields_maps AS map
JOIN engine4_user_fields_meta AS meta ON map.`child_id` = meta.field_id
JOIN engine4_user_fields_options AS ops ON map.child_id = ops.field_id
WHERE map.option_id =39 AND meta.type LIKE 'outcomeresult' LIMIT 0 , 30
CONCAT(employees.f_name," ",employees.l_name) AS 'Full Name', genders.gender_name AS 'Sex',
depts.dept_name AS 'Team Name',
pay_grades.pay_grade_name AS 'Band',
designations.designation_name AS 'Role'
FROM employees
LEFT JOIN genders ON employees.gender_id = genders.id
LEFT JOIN depts ON employees.dept_id = depts.id
LEFT JOIN pay_grades ON employees.pay_grade_id = pay_grades.id
LEFT JOIN designations ON employees.designation_id = designations.id
ORDER BY employees.id;
You can JOIN multiple TABLES like this example above.
Just adding a point to previous answers that in MySQL we can either use
table_factor syntax
joined_table syntax
mysql documentation
Table_factor example
SELECT prd.name, b.name
FROM products prd, buyers b
Joined Table example
SELECT prd.name, b.name
FROM products prd
left join buyers b on b.bid = prd.bid;
FYI: Please ignore the fact the the left join on the joined table example doesnot make much sense (in reality we would use some sort of join table to link buyer to the product table instead of saving buyerID in product table).
FROM user u
JOIN user_clockits uc ON u.user_id=uc.user_id
JOIN clockits cl ON cl.clockits_id=uc.clockits_id
WHERE user_id = 158
Use ANSI syntax and it will be a lot more clear how you are joining the tables:
SELECT s.name as Student, c.name as Course
FROM student s
INNER JOIN bridge b ON s.id = b.sid
INNER JOIN course c ON b.cid = c.id
ORDER BY s.name