Consider the code below ... I am trying to pause the stream after reading the first 5 lines:
var fs = require(\'fs\');
var readline = require(\'r
So, it turns out that the readline stream tends to "drip" (i.e., leak a few extra lines) even after a pause(). The documentation does not make this clear, but it's true.
If you want the pause() toggle to appear immediate, you'll have to create your own line buffer and accumulate the leftover lines yourself.
add some points:
.on('pause', function() {
You will get the 5. It mentioned in the node.js document :
So, I created a tmp buffer in the line event. Use a flag to determine whether it is triggered paused.
.on('line', function(line) {
if (paused) {
} else {
then in the on pause, and resume:
.on('pause', function() {
paused = true;
doSomething(bulk, function(resp) {
// clean up bulk for the next.
bulk = [];
// clone tmp buffer.
bulk = clone(bulktmp);
bulktmp = [];
.on('resume', () => {
paused = false;
Use this way to handle this kind of situation.
Somewhat unintuitively, the pause methods does not stop queued up line events:
does not immediately pause other events (including'line'
) from being emitted by thereadline.Interface
There is however a 3rd-party module named line-by-line where pause
does pause the line
events until it is resumed.
var LineByLineReader = require('line-by-line'), lr = new LineByLineReader('big_file.txt'); lr.on('error', function (err) { // 'err' contains error object }); lr.on('line', function (line) { // pause emitting of lines... lr.pause(); // your asynchronous line processing.. setTimeout(function () { // ...and continue emitting lines. lr.resume(); }, 100); }); lr.on('end', function () { // All lines are read, file is closed now. });
(I have no affiliation with the module, just found it useful for dealing with this issue.)