I need to assign the output of a program to a variable using a MS batch file.
So in GNU Bash shell I would use VAR=$(application arg0 arg1)
. I need a si
One way is:
application arg0 arg1 > temp.txt
set /p VAR=<temp.txt
Another is:
for /f %%i in ('application arg0 arg1') do set VAR=%%i
Note that the first %
in %%i
is used to escape the %
after it and is needed when using the above code in a batch file rather than on the command line. Imagine, your test.bat
has something like:
for /f %%i in ('c:\cygwin64\bin\date.exe +"%%Y%%m%%d%%H%%M%%S"') do set datetime=%%i
echo %datetime%
@OP, you can use for loops to capture the return status of your program, if it outputs something other than numbers
As an addition to this previous answer, pipes can be used inside a for statement, escaped by a caret symbol:
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('tasklist ^| grep "explorer"') do set VAR=%%i
In addition to the answer, you can't directly use output redirection operators in the set part of for
loop (e.g. if you wanna hide stderror output from a user and provide a nicer error message). Instead, you have to escape them with a caret character (^
for /f %%O in ('some-erroring-command 2^> nul') do (echo %%O)
Reference: Redirect output of command in for loop of batch script
On Executing: for /f %%i in ('application arg0 arg1') do set VAR=%%i
i was getting error: %%i was unexpected at this time.
As a fix, i had to execute above as for /f %i in ('application arg0 arg1') do set VAR=%i
You could use a batch macro for simple capturing of command outputs, a bit like the behaviour of the bash shell.
The usage of the macro is simple and looks like
%$set% VAR=application arg1 arg2
And it works even with pipes
%$set% allDrives="wmic logicaldisk get name /value | findstr "Name""
The macro uses the variable like an array and stores each line in a separate index.
In the sample of %$set% allDrives="wmic logicaldisk
there will the following variables created:
allDrives=<contains the complete text with line feeds>
To use it, it's not important to understand how the macro itself works.
The full example
@echo off
call :initMacro
%$set% ipOutput="ipconfig"
call :ShowVariable ipOutput
echo First line is %ipOutput[0]%
%$set% driveNames="wmic logicaldisk get name /value | findstr "Name""
call :ShowVariable driveNames
exit /b
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /L %%n in (0 1 !%~1.max!) do (
echo %%n: !%~1[%%n]!
exit /b
if "!!"=="" (
echo ERROR: Delayed Expansion must be disabled while defining macros
(goto) 2>nul
(goto) 2>nul
(set LF=^
(set \n=^^^
set $set=FOR /L %%N in (1 1 2) dO IF %%N==2 ( %\n%
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion %\n%
for /f "tokens=1,* delims== " %%1 in ("!argv!") do ( %\n%
endlocal %\n%
endlocal %\n%
set "%%~1.Len=0" %\n%
set "%%~1=" %\n%
if "!!"=="" ( %\n%
%= Used if delayed expansion is enabled =% %\n%
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion %\n%
for /F "delims=" %%O in ('"%%~2 | findstr /N ^^"') do ( %\n%
if "!!" NEQ "" ( %\n%
endlocal %\n%
) %\n%
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion %\n%
set "line=%%O" %\n%
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion %\n%
set pathExt=: %\n%
set path=; %\n%
set "line=!line:^=^^!" %\n%
set "line=!line:"=q"^""!" %\n%
call set "line=%%line:^!=q""^!%%" %\n%
set "line=!line:q""=^!" %\n%
set "line="!line:*:=!"" %\n%
for /F %%C in ("!%%~1.Len!") do ( %\n%
FOR /F "delims=" %%L in ("!line!") Do ( %\n%
endlocal %\n%
endlocal %\n%
set "%%~1[%%C]=%%~L" ! %\n%
if %%C == 0 ( %\n%
set "%%~1=%%~L" ! %\n%
) ELSE ( %\n%
set "%%~1=!%%~1!!LF!%%~L" ! %\n%
) %\n%
) %\n%
set /a %%~1.Len+=1 %\n%
) %\n%
) %\n%
) ELSE ( %\n%
%= Used if delayed expansion is disabled =% %\n%
for /F "delims=" %%O in ('"%%~2 | findstr /N ^^"') do ( %\n%
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion %\n%
set "line=%%O" %\n%
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion %\n%
set "line="!line:*:=!"" %\n%
for /F %%C in ("!%%~1.Len!") DO ( %\n%
FOR /F "delims=" %%L in ("!line!") DO ( %\n%
endlocal %\n%
endlocal %\n%
set "%%~1[%%C]=%%~L" %\n%
) %\n%
set /a %%~1.Len+=1 %\n%
) %\n%
) %\n%
) %\n%
set /a %%~1.Max=%%~1.Len-1 %\n%
) %\n%
) else setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion^&set argv=
goto :eof