PHP has mysql_real_escape_string()
to correctly escape any characters that might cause problems. What is the best way to mimic this functionality for BASH?
This seems like a classic case of using the wrong tool for the job.
You've got a lot of work ahead of you to implement the escaping done by mysql_real_escape_string()
in bash. Note that mysql_real_escape_string()
actually delegates the escaping to the MySQL library which takes into account the connection and database character sets. It's called "real" because its predecessor mysql_escape_string()
did not take the character set into consideration, and could be tricked into injecting SQL.
I'd suggest using a scripting language that has a MySQL library, such as Ruby, Python, or PHP.
If you insist on bash, then use the MySQL Prepared Statements syntax.
This will escape apostrophes
a=$(echo "$1" | sed s/"'"/"\\\'"/g)
Please note though that mysql_real_escape_string also escapes \x00, \n, \r, \, " and \x1a. Be sure to escape these for full security.
To escape \x00 for example:
a=$(echo "$1" | sed s/"\x00"/"\\\'"/g)
With a bit of effort you can probably escape these using one sed command.
Sure, why not just use the real thing?
A script, anywhere, such as
$std_input_data = '';
$mysqli = new mysqli('localhost', 'username', 'pass', 'database_name');
if( ftell(STDIN) !== false ) $std_input_data = stream_get_contents(STDIN);
if( empty($std_input_data) ) exit('No input piped in');
if( mysqli_connect_errno( ) ) exit('Could not connect to database');
fwrite ( STDOUT,
Next, run from bash terminal:
chmod +x ~/script/mysqli_real_escape.php`
ln -s ~/script/mysqli_real_escape.php /usr/bin/mysqli_real_escape
All set! Now you can use
in your bash scripts!
MyString="stringW@#)*special characters"
MyString="$(printf "$MyString" | mysqli_real_escape )"
Note: From what I understand, command substitution using "$(cmd ..."$var")"
is preferred over using backticks. However, as no further nesting would be needed either should be fine.
Further Note: When inside command substitution, "$(...)"
, a new quote context is created. This is why the quotes around variables do not screw up the string.
This is how I did it, where my-file.txt
contains spaces, new lines and quotes:
IFS='' content=$(cat my-file.txt)
mysql <flags> -e "update table set column = $(echo ${content@Q} | cut -c 2-) where something = 123"
of course only escapes a single string literal to be quoted, not a whole statement. You need to be clear what purpose the string will be used for in the statement. According to the MySQL manual section on string literals, for inserting into a string field you only need to escape single and double quotation marks, backslashes and NULs. However, a bash string cannot contain a NUL, so the following should suffice:
#escape for MySQL single string
If you will be using the string after a LIKE
, you will also probably want to escape %
and _
Prepared statements are another possibility. And make sure you don't use echo -e
in your bash.
See also
This will work:
echo "John O'hara" | php -R 'echo addslashes($argn);'
To pass it to a variable:
name=$(echo "John O'hara" | php -R 'echo addslashes($argn);')