I\'m using sencha-touch 2.0 and phonegap 2.0.0 in my app to retrieve user\'s location. When runing on my locahost, everything works just fine. However, when loading the .apk
I've managed to work it out.... However , I have no idea what actually solved it. All I've done is to change one of my model's structure. Can anyone see the connection to geolocation?
I know that maybe it is too late, but today i struggled with the same issue! The solution turned out to be very simple!
SOLUTION: Reboot the device.
That's all.
The problem is, that you never know when i user will get this kind of bug, so if your application relies heavily on geolocation i recommend you set a timeout in location options navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(geoSuccess, geoError, {timeout: 15000})
and alert user about the problem and possible solution.
P.S. Keep in mind, that Geolocation can timeout for example if mobile data is turned off too, so reboot won't always fix it. On iPhone it uses cellular data to get your position, but on Android, it looks like the phone does not have access to cellular data unless 3G is turned on
Restart your phone or Go to google map and check if gps is working over there. I got it working.
From my trial and error analysis, its most likely: 1. The version of android you're using. On Lollipop and lower you may need to go to the phones location settings and enable high accuracy settings (using gps, wlan and mobile networks to get location). I had to do this on a kitkat phone. 2. As others have mentioned, you can try changing the settings of getCurrentPosition by either enabling/disabling highaccuracy and adding a timeout. 3.If you're using ngCordova, make sure you installed it right and the location functions are actually being called. Use console to verify
Try This Solution:
window.setInterval(checkPosition, 5000);
function checkPosition() {
function onSuccess(position) {
document.getElementById('result1').innerHTML = position.coords.latitude;
document.getElementById('result2').innerHTML = position.coords.longitude;
// onError Callback receives a PositionError object
function onError(error) {
alert('code: ' + error.code + '\n' +
'message: ' + error.message + '\n');
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(onSuccess, onError);