I have the following problem: I am on xUbuntu OS and I am trying to use networkx in a Flask application, and I am having the following code:
import net
Make sure Graphviz is installed through the Windows installer (can be downloaded from http://www.graphviz.org/Download_windows.php).
Then add the path of the bin fold to the system variable "Path". It is "dot.exe" in bin fold that is looked for by pygraphviz.
It does not work if you pip install graphviz.
PyGraphviz doesn't work without Graphviz. Install that too.
If you have Anaconda installed the simplest way to go about this is to run the following from CMD:
conda install pydot-ng
conda install graphviz
This takes care of adding dot to the path.
In SUSE linux:
sudo zypper install graphviz
might help.