I\'m trying to create a query that will return all the rows that have a null value across all but 1 column. Some rows will have more than one null entry somewhere. There i
Depending on which RDBMS you're using, I think your only option (rather than explicitly saying WHERE col1 IS NULL and col2 IS NULL and col3 IS NULL
...) would be to use Dynamic SQL.
For example, if you want to get all the column names from a SQL Server database, you could use something like this to return those names:
object_id = OBJECT_ID('DB.Schema.Table')
You could use FOR XML to create your WHERE clause:
SELECT Name + ' IS NULL AND ' AS [text()]
FROM sys.columns c1
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('DB.Schema.Table')
Hope this helps get you started.
Good luck.
I don't have such a table to test, assuming there is no 'x'
as data in any field, I think this should work on Sql-Server
; (DEMO)
NOTE: I have filtered keyColumn as c.name != 'keyColumn'
DECLARE @S NVARCHAR(max), @Columns VARCHAR(50), @Table VARCHAR(50)
SELECT @Columns = '66', --Number of cols without keyColumn
@Table = 'myTable'
SELECT @S = ISNULL(@S+'+ ','') + 'isnull(convert(nvarchar, ' + c.name + '),''x'')'
FROM sys.all_columns c
WHERE c.object_id = OBJECT_ID(@Table) AND c.name != 'keyColumn'
exec('select * from '+@Table+' where ' + @S + '= replicate(''x'',' + @Columns + ')')
In SQL Server you can borrow the idea from this answer
;WITH XMLNAMESPACES('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' as ns)
FROM Analytics
WHERE (SELECT Analytics.*
FOR xml path('row'), elements xsinil, type
).value('count(//*[local-name() != "colToIgnore"]/@ns:nil)', 'int') > 0
SQL Fiddle
Likely constructing a query with 67 columns will be more efficient but it saves some typing or need for dynamic SQL to generate it.