I have seen a lot of links introducing the variadic templates. But I have never seen any compilable example that demonstrates this approach.
Could someone provide me
This is an example of variadic templates that I put up on my blog: http://thenewcpp.wordpress.com/2011/11/23/variadic-templates-part-1-2/
It compiles. It demonstrates finding the largest type from a group of types.
#include <type_traits>
template <typename... Args>
struct find_biggest;
//the biggest of one thing is that one thing
template <typename First>
struct find_biggest<First>
typedef First type;
//the biggest of everything in Args and First
template <typename First, typename... Args>
struct find_biggest<First, Args...>
typedef typename find_biggest<Args...>::type next;
typedef typename std::conditional
sizeof(First) >= sizeof(next),
>::type type;
another syntax: expanding, e.g.
template<typename VAL, typename... KEYS>
class MyMaps
typedef std::tuple< std::map<KEYS,VAL>... > Maps;
is now actually:
std::tuple<std::map<int,int>,std::map<string,int> >