How can you find the number of occurrences of a particular character in a string using sql?
Example: I want to find the number of times the letter ‘d’ appears in thi
For all you Sybase ASE 15 dinosaurs our there, you will need to replace '' with null, i.e.
SELECT LEN(@string) - LEN(REPLACE(@string, 'd', null)) AS D_Count
If you want to make it a little more general, you should divide by the length of the thing you're looking for. Like this:
declare @searchstring varchar(10);
set @searchstring = 'Rob';
select original_string,
(len(orginal_string) - len(replace(original_string, @searchstring, ''))
/ len(@searchstring)
from someTable;
This is because each time you find 'Rob', you remove three characters. So when you remove six characters, you've found 'Rob' twice.
Here you go:
declare @string varchar(100)
select @string = 'sfdasadhfasjfdlsajflsadsadsdadsa'
SELECT LEN(@string) - LEN(REPLACE(@string, 'd', '')) AS D_Count