Which browsers support the html 5 tag on Windows today?
Edit: Trying http://moztw.org/demo/audioplayer/ as a test. Chrome 2, and Safari 4
As far as i know it is supported either partially or fully in the gecko, webkit and presto engines.
So any browser which uses an up to date version of those engines should support it.
opera 10 and ff 3.5 , don't know about safari
I put together a list of when the browsers started supporting the audio tag and which audio formats they support.
The support is pretty good now. Since IE9, the latest versions of all the desktop browsers and most the mobile browsers support the audio tag. The only reason not to use it, would be to support old versions of IE, but you can always provide a fallback if that's important.
Here are the details for desktop browsers:
| Browser | Supported since version | Formats |
| IE | 9.0 | AAC or .mp3 |
| Firefox | 3.5 | .ogg, .wav |
| Chrome | 3 | .mp3, .ogg |
| Safari | 4 | Any audio supported by Quicktime |
| Opera | 9.5 | .ogg, .wav |
Here are the details for mobile browsers (no format information, sorry):
| Browser | Supported since version |
| iOS Safari | 4 |
| Opera mobile | 10 |
| Opera mini | no support (Dec 2011) |
| Android | 2.3 |
| Blackberry | 6 |
If you want to use the audio, it's important to provide both .ogg and .mp3 versions of the file to get good cross browser support.
<audio controls>
<source src="/my-podcast.mp3" />
<source src="/my-podcast.ogg" />
Our blog post.
Contains more up to date information on modern browser support for HTML5 audio.
As of July 2011
Supports MP3 and AAC
Firefox 5
Supports Ogg and Wav
Chrome 12
Supports Ogg, MP3, Wav and AAC
Safari 5
Supports MP3, AAC and WAV
Opera 11
Supports Ogg and Wav
As you can see from the data above and from reading the blog post, it's a bit of a frustrating situation as there isn't one audio format supported by all browsers. There's no immediate sign of any resolution yet either.
Here is a wikipedia article comparing each browser's HTML5 support:
Gecko, Webkit and Presto engines are suppose to support it, but I think only partly. So Firefox 3.5 and Opera are your best bet.