I am unit testing code written against the ADO .NET Entity Framework. I would like to populate an in-memory database with rows, and make sure that my code retrieves them pro
In EF Core there are two main options for doing this:
I am using SQLite and it supports all queries, that I need to do with Azure SQL production database.
You could try SQL Server Compact but it has some quite wild limitations:
Yes, there is at least one such provider - SQLite. I have used it a bit and it works. Also you can try SQL Server Compact. It's an embeded database and has EF providers too.
SQLite has support for in-memory databases (link1). All you need is to specify a connection string like: "Data Source=:memory:;Version=3;New=True;". If you need in an example you may look at SharpArchitecture.
I am not familiar with Entity Framework and the ObjectQuery class but if the Include method is virtual you can mock it like this:
// Arrange
var customerSourceStub = MockRepository.GenerateStub<ObjectQuery<Customer>>();
var customers = new Customer[]
// Populate your customers as if they were coming from DB
.Stub(x => x.Include("Order"))
var sut = new CustomerService(customerSourceStub);
// Act
var actual = sut.GetCustomerById(5);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(5, actual.Id);
There is not currently a in memory provider for EF, but if you take a look at Highway.Data it has a base abstraction interface and an InMemoryDataContext.
Testing Data Access and EF with Highway.Data
An InMemory provider is included in EF7 (pre-release).
You can use either the NuGet package, or read about it in the EF repo on GitHub (view source).