I am writing a script for MS PowerShell. This script uses the Copy-Item
command. One of the optional arguments to this command is \"-container
The container the documentation is talking about is the folder structure. If you are doing a recursive copy and want to preserve the folder structure, you would use the -container switch. (Note: by default the -container switch is set to true, so you really would not need to specify it. If you wanted to turn it off you could use -container: $false
There is a catch to this... if you do a directory listing and pipe it to Copy-Item, it will not preserve the folder structure. If you want to preserve the folder structure, you have to specify the -path property and the -recurse switch.
I too found the documentation less than helpful. I did some tests to see how the -Container
parameter works in conjunction with -Recurse
when copying files and folders.
Note that -Container
means -Container: $true
This is the file structure I used for the examples:
# X:.
# ├───destination
# └───source
# │ source.1.txt
# │ source.2.txt
# │
# └───source.1
# source.1.1.txt
.1) To copy just the source folder (empty folder):
Copy-Item -Path source -Destination .\destination
Copy-Item -Path source -Destination .\destination -Container
# X:.
# ├───destination
# │ └───source
# └───source (...)
The following gives an error:
Copy-Item -Path source -Destination .\destination -Container: $false
# Exception: Container cannot be copied to another container.
# The -Recurse or -Container parameter is not specified.
2) To copy the whole folder structure with files:
Copy-Item -Path source -Destination .\destination -Recurse
Copy-Item -Path source -Destination .\destination -Recurse -Container
# X:.
# ├───destination
# │ └───source
# │ │ source.1.txt
# │ │ source.2.txt
# │ │
# │ └───source.1
# │ source.1.1.txt
# └───source (...)
3) To copy all descendants (files and folders) into a single folder:
Copy-Item -Path source -Destination .\destination -Recurse -Container: $false
# X:.
# ├───destination
# │ │ source.1.1.txt
# │ │ source.1.txt
# │ │ source.2.txt
# │ │
# │ └───source.1
# └───source (...)