I need to generate sequences of games using the round robin algorithm. I have the php page where the user can input the tournament name which will be inserted into the datab
There is a fairly simple algorithm for doing round-robin matchups, my solution would be as follows (in pseudo-code):
And that's it, that will produce all the matchups you need.
An example, with 4 teams:
First half of the array is on top, second half is on the bottom, match-ups are numbers above/below each other. Array indexes (to illustrate what I mean exactly):
[0] [1]
[2] [3]
Round 1:
1 2
3 4
Round 2:
1 4
2 3
Round 3:
1 3
4 2
I created a roundrobin function from scratch as i thought it might be easier to get the same results and also allowing me to use arrays filled with strings directly instead of numbers.
Because i pull a list of names from a database and add into an array i can now schedule this directly with below function. No extra step needed to link numbers to names etc.
Please feel free to try it and if it works then leave a comment. I also have a version which allows for 2 way (home & return) schedule and or shuffle option. If somone is interested in that one then leave a coment as well.
* @author D.D.M. van Zelst
* @copyright 2012
function scheduler($teams){
if (count($teams)%2 != 0){
$away = array_splice($teams,(count($teams)/2));
$home = $teams;
for ($i=0; $i < count($home)+count($away)-1; $i++){
for ($j=0; $j<count($home); $j++){
if(count($home)+count($away)-1 > 2){
return $round;
How to use, for example create an array like:
<?php $members = array(1,2,3,4); ?>
<?php $members = array("name1","name2","name3","name4"); ?>
then call the function to create your schedule based on above array:
<?php $schedule = scheduler($members); ?>
To display the resulted array schedule simply do like below or anyway you like: This little code displays the schedule in a nice format but use it anyway you like.
foreach($schedule AS $round => $games){
echo "Round: ".($round+1)."<BR>";
foreach($games AS $play){
echo $play["Home"]." - ".$play["Away"]."<BR>";
echo "<BR>";
Leave a note if it worked for you or if you are interested in the 2-way version with shuffle.