I have 2,299.00
as a string and I am trying to parse it to a number. I tried using parseFloat
, which results in 2. I guess the comma is the problem
Remove anything that isn't a digit, decimal point, or minus sign (-
var str = "2,299.00";
str = str.replace(/[^\d\.\-]/g, ""); // You might also include + if you want them to be able to type it
var num = parseFloat(str);
Updated fiddle
Note that it won't work for numbers in scientific notation. If you want it to, change the replace
line to add e
, E
, and +
to the list of acceptable characters:
str = str.replace(/[^\d\.\-eE+]/g, "");
Number("2,299.00".split(',').join('')); // 2299
The split function splits the string into an array using "," as a separator and returns an array.
The join function joins the elements of the array returned from the split function.
The Number() function converts the joined string to a number.
This is a simplistic unobtrusive wrapper around the parseFloat
function parseLocaleNumber(str) {
// Detect the user's locale decimal separator:
var decimalSeparator = (1.1).toLocaleString().substring(1, 2);
// Detect the user's locale thousand separator:
var thousandSeparator = (1000).toLocaleString().substring(1, 2);
// In case there are locales that don't use a thousand separator
if (thousandSeparator.match(/\d/))
thousandSeparator = '';
str = str
.replace(new RegExp(thousandSeparator, 'g'), '')
.replace(new RegExp(decimalSeparator), '.')
return parseFloat(str);
With this function you will be able to format values in multiple formats like 1.234,56
and 1,234.56
, and even with errors like 1.234.56
and 1,234,56
* @param {string} value: value to convert
* @param {bool} coerce: force float return or NaN
function parseFloatFromString(value, coerce) {
value = String(value).trim();
if ('' === value) {
return value;
// check if the string can be converted to float as-is
var parsed = parseFloat(value);
if (String(parsed) === value) {
return fixDecimals(parsed, 2);
// replace arabic numbers by latin
value = value
// arabic
.replace(/[\u0660-\u0669]/g, function(d) {
return d.charCodeAt(0) - 1632;
// persian
.replace(/[\u06F0-\u06F9]/g, function(d) {
return d.charCodeAt(0) - 1776;
// remove all non-digit characters
var split = value.split(/[^\dE-]+/);
if (1 === split.length) {
// there's no decimal part
return fixDecimals(parseFloat(value), 2);
for (var i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
if ('' === split[i]) {
return coerce ? fixDecimals(parseFloat(0), 2) : NaN;
// use the last part as decimal
var decimal = split.pop();
// reconstruct the number using dot as decimal separator
return fixDecimals(parseFloat(split.join('') + '.' + decimal), 2);
function fixDecimals(num, precision) {
return (Math.floor(num * 100) / 100).toFixed(precision);
Replace the comma with an empty string:
var x = parseFloat("2,299.00".replace(",",""))
It's baffling that they included a toLocaleString but not a parse method. At least toLocaleString without arguments is well supported in IE6+.
For a i18n solution, I came up with this:
First detect the user's locale decimal separator:
var decimalSeparator = 1.1;
decimalSeparator = decimalSeparator.toLocaleString().substring(1, 2);
Then normalize the number if there's more than one decimal separator in the String:
var pattern = "([" + decimalSeparator + "])(?=.*\\1)";separator
var formatted = valor.replace(new RegExp(pattern, "g"), "");
Finally, remove anything that is not a number or a decimal separator:
formatted = formatted.replace(new RegExp("[^0-9" + decimalSeparator + "]", "g"), '');
return Number(formatted.replace(decimalSeparator, "."));