How can I format a float so that it doesn\'t contain trailing zeros? In other words, I want the resulting string to be as short as possible.
For example:
Handling %f and you should put
, where: .2f == .00 floats.
print "Price: %.2f" % prices[product]
Price: 1.50
Using the QuantiPhy package is an option. Normally QuantiPhy is used when working with numbers with units and SI scale factors, but it has a variety of nice number formatting options.
>>> from quantiphy import Quantity
>>> cases = '3 3. 3.0 3.1 3.14 3.140 3.14000'.split()
>>> for case in cases:
... q = Quantity(case)
... print(f'{case:>7} -> {q:p}')
3 -> 3
3. -> 3
3.0 -> 3
3.1 -> 3.1
3.14 -> 3.14
3.140 -> 3.14
3.14000 -> 3.14
And it will not use e-notation in this situation:
>>> cases = '3.14e-9 3.14 3.14e9'.split()
>>> for case in cases:
... q = Quantity(case)
... print(f'{case:>7} -> {q:,p}')
3.14e-9 -> 0
3.14 -> 3.14
3.14e9 -> 3,140,000,000
An alternative you might prefer is to use SI scale factors, perhaps with units.
>>> cases = '3e-9 3.14e-9 3 3.14 3e9 3.14e9'.split()
>>> for case in cases:
... q = Quantity(case, 'm')
... print(f'{case:>7} -> {q}')
3e-9 -> 3 nm
3.14e-9 -> 3.14 nm
3 -> 3 m
3.14 -> 3.14 m
3e9 -> 3 Gm
3.14e9 -> 3.14 Gm
I use this to format floats to trail zeros.
You can simply use format() to achieve this:
format(3.140, '.10g')
where 10 is the precision you want.
OP would like to remove superflouous zeros and make the resulting string as short as possible.
I find the %g exponential formatting shortens the resulting string for very large and very small values. The problem comes for values that don't need exponential notation, like 128.0, which is neither very large or very small.
Here is one way to format numbers as short strings that uses %g exponential notation only when Decimal.normalize creates strings that are too long. This might not be the fastest solution (since it does use Decimal.normalize)
def floatToString (inputValue, precision = 3):
rc = str(Decimal(inputValue).normalize())
if 'E' in rc or len(rc) > 5:
rc = '{0:.{1}g}'.format(inputValue, precision)
return rc
inputs = [128.0, 32768.0, 65536, 65536 * 2, 31.5, 1.000, 10.0]
outputs = [floatToString(i) for i in inputs]
# ['128', '32768', '65536', '1.31e+05', '31.5', '1', '10']
If you can live with 3. and 3.0 appearing as "3.0", a very simple approach that right-strips zeros from float representations:
(thanks @ellimilial for pointing out the exceptions)