I am looking for the reverse of get()
Given an object name, I wish to have the character string representing that object extracted directly from the ob
My intuitive understanding In which the quote freeze the var or expression from evaluation and the deparse function which is the inverse of parse function makes that freezed symbol back to String
The old deparse-substitute trick:
nm <-deparse(substitute(z))
#[1] "a" ... this is the side-effect of the print() call
# ... you could have done something useful with that character value
#[1] 5.5 ... this is the result of the function call
Edit: Ran it with the new test-object
Note: this will not succeed inside a local function when a set of list items are passed from the first argument to lapply
(and it also fails when an object is passed from a list given to a for
-loop.) You would be able to extract the ".Names"-attribute and the order of processing from the structure result, if it were a named vector that were being processed.
> lapply( list(a=4,b=5), function(x) {nm <- deparse(substitute(x)); strsplit(nm, '\\[')} )
[1] "X" "" "1L]]"
[1] "X" "" "2L]]"
> lapply( c(a=4,b=5), function(x) {nm <- deparse(substitute(x)); strsplit(nm, '\\[')} )
[1] "structure(c(4, 5), .Names = c(\"a\", \"b\"))" ""
[3] "1L]]"
[1] "structure(c(4, 5), .Names = c(\"a\", \"b\"))" ""
[3] "2L]]"
Note that for print methods the behavior can be different.
print.foo=function(x){ print(deparse(substitute(x))) }
test = list(a=1, b=2)
#this shows "test" as expected
#this (just typing 'test' on the R command line)
#"structure(list(a = 1, b = 2), .Names = c(\"a\", \"b\"), class = \"foo\")"
Other comments I've seen on forums suggests that the last behavior is unavoidable. This is unfortunate if you are writing print methods for packages.