How can I access node that have dynamic id value using Polymer node finding by id?
For example
According to this document in Polymer 2.x
is not supported, so usethis.shadowRoot.querySelector
console.log(this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#' + id));
If you are using Polymer 1.x then you can use $$
You can use $
like a hash:
id = 'computed_element_id';
It's true that a JavaScript hash can be accessed using either dot .
or array []
notation. If you have a literal name, you can use dot notation this.$.some_id
. If you have an indirection, like = 'some_id'
, then you can use array notation this.$[]
to find the same value.
The tricky part is that Polymer only populates $
array after first stamping the template, which happens before ready
. If you had an external binding to
, this.$.[]
would work, but since you are setting
in ready
it's too late for the $
In this case, you can instead query your shadowRoot directly:
this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#' +
Pro tip: at some point a subclass may supply a new template, in which case this.shadowRoot
will point to the new shadow-root and not the superclass version. For this reason, it's best to install a named div you can query against, e.g. this.$.id_div.querySelector('#' +')
Polymer provides a method to this (source):
For locating dynamically-created nodes in your element's local DOM, use the $$ method:
returns the first node in the local DOM that matches selector.
In your case, this should work:
console.log(this.$$('#' + id));