I\'m wondering how I can add a new parameter to an existing url. The problem is: the url may also contain an anchor.
For example:
Something like this ?
var param = "x=y";
var split = url.split('#');
url = split[0] + '&' + param + "#" + split[1];
You can use this JS lib called URI.JS
// mutating URLs
// -> http://rodneyrehm@example.org/foo.html?hello=world
// -> http://example.org/foo.html?hello=world
// -> http://example.org/bar/foo.html?hello=world
// -> http://example.org/bar/foo.xml?hello=world
// -> http://example.org/bar/foo.xml?hello=world#hackernews
// -> http://example.org/bar/foo.xml?hello=world
.search("") // alias of .query()
// -> http://example.org/bar/foo.xml
// -> http://example.com/bar/foo.xml
.search({ foo: "bar", hello: ["world", "mars"] });
// -> http://example.com/bar/foo.xml?foo=bar&hello=world&hello=mars
.addSearch("hello", "mars")
// -> ?hello=world&hello=mars
.addSearch({ foo: ["bar", "baz"] })
// -> ?hello=world&hello=mars&foo=bar&foo=baz
.removeSearch("hello", "mars")
// -> ?hello=world&foo=bar&foo=baz
// -> ?hello=world
I used parts of The Awesome One's solution, and a solution found on this question:
Adding a parameter to the URL with JavaScript
Combining them into this script:
function addParameter(url, parameterName, parameterValue, atStart/*Add param before others*/){
replaceDuplicates = true;
if(url.indexOf('#') > 0){
var cl = url.indexOf('#');
urlhash = url.substring(url.indexOf('#'),url.length);
} else {
urlhash = '';
cl = url.length;
sourceUrl = url.substring(0,cl);
var urlParts = sourceUrl.split("?");
var newQueryString = "";
if (urlParts.length > 1)
var parameters = urlParts[1].split("&");
for (var i=0; (i < parameters.length); i++)
var parameterParts = parameters[i].split("=");
if (!(replaceDuplicates && parameterParts[0] == parameterName))
if (newQueryString == "")
newQueryString = "?";
newQueryString += "&";
newQueryString += parameterParts[0] + "=" + (parameterParts[1]?parameterParts[1]:'');
if (newQueryString == "")
newQueryString = "?";
newQueryString = '?'+ parameterName + "=" + parameterValue + (newQueryString.length>1?'&'+newQueryString.substring(1):'');
} else {
if (newQueryString !== "" && newQueryString != '?')
newQueryString += "&";
newQueryString += parameterName + "=" + (parameterValue?parameterValue:'');
return urlParts[0] + newQueryString + urlhash;
Example: addParameter('http://www.example.com?foo=bar#hashme', 'bla', 'valuebla', false)
Results in http://www.example.com?foo=bar&bla=valuebla#hashme