I\'m wondering how I can add a new parameter to an existing url. The problem is: the url may also contain an anchor.
For example:
@freedev answer is great, but if you need something very simple (to insert key=value pair to the url and assume that key doesn't already exist), there's a much faster way to do it:
var addSearchParam = function(url,keyEqualsValue) {
var parts=url.split('#');
parts[0]=parts[0]+(( parts[0].indexOf('?') !== -1) ? '&' : '?')+keyEqualsValue;
return parts.join('#');
Example usage: addSearchParam('http://localhost?a=1#hash','b=5');
I always use this code, and its working fine ...
var currenturl=location.href;
var url = location.href+"?ts="+true;
Try this:
location.href = location.href.replace(location.hash, '') + '&x=y' + location.hash
What about this:
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = "http://www.example.com?foo=bar#hashme";
var url = a.href.replace(a.hash, '') + '&x=y' + a.hash;
I found out that the location object can be created by an anchor element(from Creating a new Location object in javascript).
function addPar(URL,param,value){
var url = URL;
var hash = url.indexOf('#');
var partOne = url.substring(0,hash);
var partTwo = url.substring(hash,url.length);
var newURL = partOne+'&'+param+'='+value+partTwo
return newURL;
document.write(addPar('http://www.example.com?foo=bar','x','y')) // returns what you asked for
The code could be modified a bit, and made a little more efficient, but this should work fine.
@Sangol's solution's better. Didn't know a location.hash property existed.
Here is an improved version of the answer by @skerit. This one supports #
in URL path.
function addParameter(url, parameterName, parameterValue, atStart/*Add param before others*/) {
var replaceDuplicates = true;
var cl, urlhash;
parameterName = encodeURIComponent(parameterName);
parameterValue = encodeURIComponent(parameterValue);
if (url.lastIndexOf('#') > 0) {
cl = url.lastIndexOf('#');
urlhash = url.substring(cl, url.length);
} else {
urlhash = '';
cl = url.length;
var sourceUrl = url.substring(0, cl);
var urlParts = sourceUrl.split("?");
var newQueryString = "";
if (urlParts.length > 1) {
var parameters = urlParts[1].split("&");
for (var i=0; (i < parameters.length); i++) {
var parameterParts = parameters[i].split("=");
if (!(replaceDuplicates && parameterParts[0] === parameterName)) {
if (newQueryString === "") {
newQueryString = "?";
} else {
newQueryString += "&";
newQueryString += parameterParts[0] + "=" + (parameterParts[1]?parameterParts[1]:'');
if (newQueryString === "") {
newQueryString = "?";
if (atStart) {
newQueryString = '?'+ parameterName + "=" + parameterValue + (newQueryString.length>1?'&'+newQueryString.substring(1):'');
} else {
if (newQueryString !== "" && newQueryString != '?') {
newQueryString += "&";
newQueryString += parameterName + "=" + (parameterValue?parameterValue:'');
return urlParts[0] + newQueryString + urlhash;
addParameter('http://www.example.com?foo=bar#hashme', 'bla', 'valuebla', false);
// Returns: http://www.example.com?foo=bar&bla=valuebla#hashme
addParameter('http://www.example.com/#iAmNotUrlHash/?foo=bar#hashme', 'bla', 'valuebla', false);
// Returns: http://www.example.com/#iAmNotUrlHash/?foo=bar&bla=valuebla#hashme
This can be another good solution, this version is even able to replace the parameter if it already exists, add parameter without value:
function addParam(url, param, value) {
var a = document.createElement('a'), regex = /(?:\?|&|&)+([^=]+)(?:=([^&]*))*/g;
var match, str = []; a.href = url; param = encodeURIComponent(param);
while (match = regex.exec(a.search))
if (param != match[1]) str.push(match[1]+(match[2]?"="+match[2]:""));
str.push(param+(value?"="+ encodeURIComponent(value):""));
a.search = str.join("&");
return a.href;
url = "http://www.example.com#hashme";
newurl = addParam(url, "ciao", "1");