I want to include a batch file rename functionality in my application. A user can type a destination filename pattern and (after replacing some wildcards in the pattern) I n
Also CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM# and a few others are never legal filenames in any directory with any extension.
many of these answers will not work if the filename is too long & running on a pre Windows 10 environment. Similarly, have a think about what you want to do with periods - allowing leading or trailing is technically valid, but can create problems if you do not want the file to be difficult to see or delete respectively.
This is a validation attribute I created to check for a valid filename.
public class ValidFileNameAttribute : ValidationAttribute
public ValidFileNameAttribute()
RequireExtension = true;
ErrorMessage = "{0} is an Invalid Filename";
MaxLength = 255; //superseeded in modern windows environments
public override bool IsValid(object value)
var fileName = (string)value;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { return true; }
if (fileName.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) > -1 ||
(!AllowHidden && fileName[0] == '.') ||
fileName[fileName.Length - 1]== '.' ||
fileName.Length > MaxLength)
return false;
string extension = Path.GetExtension(fileName);
return (!RequireExtension || extension != string.Empty)
&& (ExtensionList==null || ExtensionList.Contains(extension));
private const string _sepChar = ",";
private IEnumerable<string> ExtensionList { get; set; }
public bool AllowHidden { get; set; }
public bool RequireExtension { get; set; }
public int MaxLength { get; set; }
public string AllowedExtensions {
get { return string.Join(_sepChar, ExtensionList); }
set {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
{ ExtensionList = null; }
else {
ExtensionList = value.Split(new char[] { _sepChar[0] })
.Select(s => s[0] == '.' ? s : ('.' + s))
} }
public override bool RequiresValidationContext => false;
and the tests
public void TestFilenameAttribute()
var rxa = new ValidFileNameAttribute();
rxa = new ValidFileNameAttribute { AllowedExtensions = ".pptx" };
One liner for verifying illigal chars in the string:
public static bool IsValidFilename(string testName) => !Regex.IsMatch(testName, "[" + Regex.Escape(new string(System.IO.Path.InvalidPathChars)) + "]");
I use this to get rid of invalid characters in filenames without throwing exceptions:
private static readonly Regex InvalidFileRegex = new Regex(
string.Format("[{0}]", Regex.Escape(@"<>:""/\|?*")));
public static string SanitizeFileName(string fileName)
return InvalidFileRegex.Replace(fileName, string.Empty);
To complement the other answers, here are a couple of additional edge cases that you might want to consider.
Excel can have problems if you save a workbook in a file whose name contains the '[' or ']' characters. See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/215205 for details.
Sharepoint has a whole additional set of restrictions. See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/905231 for details.
One corner case to keep in mind, which surprised me when I first found out about it: Windows allows leading space characters in file names! For example, the following are all legal, and distinct, file names on Windows (minus the quotes):
" file.txt"
" file.txt"
One takeaway from this: Use caution when writing code that trims leading/trailing whitespace from a filename string.