I am trying to convert the html entity to unichar, the html entity is
when i try to do the following:
Here's an alternate workaround that I developed with the struct
def unichar(i):
return unichr(i)
except ValueError:
return struct.pack('i', i).decode('utf-32')
>>> unichar(int('976918'))
In order for this to work, you either need to build Python yourself, specifying
./configure --enable-unicode=ucs4
before compiling, or else you need to move to Python 3.
Even if you do this, there are apparently problems on Windows, which will be fixed in the next version of Python (3.3).
You can decode a string that has a Unicode escape (\U
followed by 8 hex digits, zero-padded) using the "unicode-escape"
>>> s = "\\U%08x" % 976918
>>> s
>>> c = s.decode('unicode-escape')
>>> c
On a narrow build it's stored as a UTF-16 surrogate pair:
>>> list(c)
[u'\udb7a', u'\udc16']
This surrogate pair is processed correctly as a code unit during encoding:
>>> c.encode('utf-8')
>>> '\xf3\xae\xa0\x96'.decode('utf-8')