I have a function that can send mail on Laravel5 using this
* Send Mail from Parts Specification Form
public function sendMail(Request $request) {
You can use the Mail::failures() function for that. It will have a collection of failed mails if it exists so you can use the code below to check for it.
public function sendMail(Request $request) {
$data = $request->all();
$messageBody = $this->getMessageBody($data);
Mail::raw($messageBody, function ($message) use ($messageBody) {
$message->from('yourEmail@domain.com', 'Learning Laravel');
// check for failed ones
if (Mail::failures()) {
// return failed mails
return new Error(Mail::failures());
// else do redirect back to normal
return redirect()->back();
Hope this helps
The Mail::failures()
will return an array of failed emails.
if( count(Mail::failures()) > 0 ) {
echo "There was one or more failures. They were: <br />";
foreach(Mail::failures() as $email_address) {
echo " - $email_address <br />";
} else {
echo "No errors, all sent successfully!";
source : http://laravel.io/forum/08-08-2014-how-to-know-if-e-mail-was-sent
You may additionally can make use "Swift_TransportException" to identify any errors.
//code to send the mail
}catch(\Swift_TransportException $transportExp){
I'm not entirely sure this would work but you can give it a shot
* Send Mail from Parts Specification Form
public function sendMail(Request $request) {
$data = $request->all();
$messageBody = $this->getMessageBody($data);
Mail::raw($messageBody, function ($message) {
$message->from('yourEmail@domain.com', 'Learning Laravel');
$message->subject('Learning Laravel test email');
// check for failures
if (Mail::failures()) {
// return response showing failed emails
// otherwise everything is okay ...
return redirect()->back();