Say I have two entities in Doctrine2 that are related to each other, Models\\User and Models\\Comment. If I do this in Doctrine 2.0.0...
For symfony 4.1 this code worked for me.
$comments = $this->getDoctrine()
['user' => $user->getId(), 'public' => true]
Query by relationship is allowed, but you have to pass the Identifier in there. Query by object is not yet supported and will only make it into 2.1.
// $em instanceof EntityManager, $user instanceof Models\User
$comments = $em->getRepository('Models\Comment')
->findBy(array('user' => $user->getId(), 'public' => true));
Unfortunately, I don't think query by relationships is supported directly via repository objects.
In this case, you are probably best to write a custom repository class with a findByUser method.
namespace App\Domain\Repository;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository,
class CommentRepository extends EntityRepository
public function findByUser(User $user)
// add QueryBuilder code here
Don't forget to update your Comment entity to use the custom repository:
namespace App\Domain\Entity;
* @Entity(repositoryClass="App\Domain\Repository\CommentRepository")
class Comment
// entity definition