Django has some good automatic serialization of ORM models returned from DB to JSON format.
How to serialize SQLAlchemy query result to JSON format?
I tried
I recommend using marshmallow. It allows you to create serializers to represent your model instances with support to relations and nested objects.
Here is a truncated example from their docs. Take the ORM model, Author
class Author(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
first = db.Column(db.String(80))
last = db.Column(db.String(80))
A marshmallow schema for that class is constructed like this:
class AuthorSchema(Schema):
id = fields.Int(dump_only=True)
first = fields.Str()
last = fields.Str()
formatted_name = fields.Method("format_name", dump_only=True)
def format_name(self, author):
return "{}, {}".format(author.last, author.first)
...and used like this:
author_schema = AuthorSchema()
...would produce an output like this:
"first": "Tim",
"formatted_name": "Peters, Tim",
"id": 1,
"last": "Peters"
Have a look at their full Flask-SQLAlchemy Example.
A library called marshmallow-sqlalchemy
specifically integrates SQLAlchemy and marshmallow. In that library, the schema for the Author
model described above looks like this:
class AuthorSchema(ModelSchema):
class Meta:
model = Author
The integration allows the field types to be inferred from the SQLAlchemy Column
marshmallow-sqlalchemy here.
Maybe you can use a class like this
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr
from sqlalchemy import Table
class Custom:
"""Some custom logic here!"""
__table__: Table # def for mypy
def __tablename__(cls): # pylint: disable=no-self-argument
return cls.__name__ # pylint: disable= no-member
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Serializes only column data."""
return { getattr(self, for c in self.__table__.columns}
Base = declarative_base(cls=Custom)
class MyOwnTable(Base):
With that all objects have the to_dict
I know this is quite an older post. I took solution given by @SashaB and modified as per my need.
I added following things to it:
My code is as follows:
def alchemy_json_encoder(revisit_self = False, fields_to_expand = [], fields_to_ignore = [], fields_to_replace = {}):
Serialize SQLAlchemy result into JSon
:param revisit_self: True / False
:param fields_to_expand: Fields which are to be expanded for including their children and all
:param fields_to_ignore: Fields to be ignored while encoding
:param fields_to_replace: Field keys to be replaced by values assigned in dictionary
:return: Json serialized SQLAlchemy object
_visited_objs = []
class AlchemyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj.__class__, DeclarativeMeta):
# don't re-visit self
if revisit_self:
if obj in _visited_objs:
return None
# go through each field in this SQLalchemy class
fields = {}
for field in [x for x in dir(obj) if not x.startswith('_') and x != 'metadata' and x not in fields_to_ignore]:
val = obj.__getattribute__(field)
# is this field method defination, or an SQLalchemy object
if not hasattr(val, "__call__") and not isinstance(val, BaseQuery):
field_name = fields_to_replace[field] if field in fields_to_replace else field
# is this field another SQLalchemy object, or a list of SQLalchemy objects?
if isinstance(val.__class__, DeclarativeMeta) or \
(isinstance(val, list) and len(val) > 0 and isinstance(val[0].__class__, DeclarativeMeta)):
# unless we're expanding this field, stop here
if field not in fields_to_expand:
# not expanding this field: set it to None and continue
fields[field_name] = None
fields[field_name] = val
# a json-encodable dict
return fields
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
return AlchemyEncoder
Hope it helps someone!
My take utilizing (too many?) dictionaries:
def serialize(_query):
#d = dictionary written to per row
#D = dictionary d is written to each time, then reset
#Master = dictionary of dictionaries; the id Key (int, unique from database)
from D is used as the Key for the dictionary D entry in Master
Master = {}
D = {}
x = 0
for u in _query:
d = u.__dict__
D = {}
for n in d.keys():
if n != '_sa_instance_state':
D[n] = d[n]
x = d['id']
Master[x] = D
return Master
Running with flask (including jsonify) and flask_sqlalchemy to print outputs as JSON.
Call the function with jsonify(serialize()).
Works with all SQLAlchemy queries I've tried so far (running SQLite3)
Custom serialization and deserialization.
"from_json" (class method) builds a Model object based on json data.
"deserialize" could be called only on instance, and merge all data from json into Model instance.
"serialize" - recursive serialization
__write_only__ property is needed to define write only properties ("password_hash" for example).
class Serializable(object):
__exclude__ = ('id',)
__include__ = ()
__write_only__ = ()
def from_json(cls, json, selfObj=None):
if selfObj is None:
self = cls()
self = selfObj
exclude = (cls.__exclude__ or ()) + Serializable.__exclude__
include = cls.__include__ or ()
if json:
for prop, value in json.iteritems():
# ignore all non user data, e.g. only
if (not (prop in exclude) | (prop in include)) and isinstance(
getattr(cls, prop, None), QueryableAttribute):
setattr(self, prop, value)
return self
def deserialize(self, json):
if not json:
return None
return self.__class__.from_json(json, selfObj=self)
def serialize_list(cls, object_list=[]):
output = []
for li in object_list:
if isinstance(li, Serializable):
return output
def serialize(self, **kwargs):
# init write only props
if len(getattr(self.__class__, '__write_only__', ())) == 0:
self.__class__.__write_only__ = ()
dictionary = {}
expand = kwargs.get('expand', ()) or ()
prop = 'props'
if expand:
# expand all the fields
for key in expand:
getattr(self, key)
iterable = self.__dict__.items()
is_custom_property_set = False
# include only properties passed as parameter
if (prop in kwargs) and (kwargs.get(prop, None) is not None):
is_custom_property_set = True
iterable = kwargs.get(prop, None)
# loop trough all accessible properties
for key in iterable:
accessor = key
if isinstance(key, tuple):
accessor = key[0]
if not (accessor in self.__class__.__write_only__) and not accessor.startswith('_'):
# force select from db to be able get relationships
if is_custom_property_set:
getattr(self, accessor, None)
if isinstance(self.__dict__.get(accessor), list):
dictionary[accessor] = self.__class__.serialize_list(object_list=self.__dict__.get(accessor))
# check if those properties are read only
elif isinstance(self.__dict__.get(accessor), Serializable):
dictionary[accessor] = self.__dict__.get(accessor).serialize()
dictionary[accessor] = self.__dict__.get(accessor)
return dictionary
install simplejson by
pip install simplejson
and the create a class
class Serialise(object):
def _asdict(self):
Serialization logic for converting entities using flask's jsonify
:return: An ordered dictionary
:rtype: :class:`collections.OrderedDict`
result = OrderedDict()
# Get the columns
for key in self.__mapper__.c.keys():
if isinstance(getattr(self, key), datetime):
result["x"] = getattr(self, key).timestamp() * 1000
result["timestamp"] = result["x"]
result[key] = getattr(self, key)
return result
and inherit this class to every orm classes so that this _asdict
function gets registered to every ORM class and boom.
And use jsonify anywhere