How can I make it so that addEventListener() has two functions inside it?
I have tried finding my own solution, but none seem not to work. Please give me example if
Two major differences between the older model and the newer DOM Level 2 event model is that 1) the newer model isn’t as dependent on a specific event handler property, and 2) you can register multiple event handler functions for any one event on any one object.(From: Learning JavaScript) For example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="myElement"> Please click here.</div>
function func0() {
alert("Function0 is called");
function func1() {
alert("Function1 is called");
document.getElementById("myElement").addEventListener("click", func0, true);
document.getElementById("myElement").addEventListener("click", func1, true);
As, even you can remove a specific event handler function for one event on any one object. For example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="myElement"> Please click here.</div>
function func0() {
alert("Function0 is called");
function func1() {
alert("Function1 is called");
document.getElementById("myElement").addEventListener("click", func0, true);
document.getElementById("myElement").addEventListener("click", func1, true);
document.getElementById("myElement").removeEventListener("click", func0, true);
Wrap your functions in a function.
const invokeMe = () => console.log('I live here outside the scope');
const alsoInvokeMe = () => console.log('I also live outside the scope');
element.addEventListener('event',() => {
Wrap your functions in a function. But need to send all params from addEventListener
callback (paramter event
const callbackOne = (...props) => {
console.log('callbackOne', ...props)
const callbackTwo = (...props) => {
console.log('callbackTwo', ...props)
element.addEventListener('eventName',(...props) => {