I want to use VS Code to try out the examples of a JavaScript book, but there\'s no intellisense, or at least I don\'t know how to activate it.
In Visual Studio this
It worked for me, when the file had a .js extension. I didn't get any intellisense when I pasted it into .html file between script tags.
Edit To Add: You can also change the Language Mode by clicking 'HTML' in the bottom of the VS Code window and change it to 'JavaScript'.
JS intellisense doesnt work in HTML script tag - VSCode GitHub Issues #4369
Smart Javascript suggestions inside HTML files no loger working after Visual Studio Code update - StackOverflow
Visual Studio Code version 1.4.0 does not support CSS intelli-sense.
I have an extension for CSS style, id and class intelli-sense for html documents:
Starting with the November 2016 (version 1.8) release, Visual Studio Code now fully supports IntelliSense for JavaScript in HTML.
Note that the language support doesn't follow script includes, it only knows about definitions made in the same file.