Using C++, and hopefully the standard library, I want to sort a sequence of samples in ascending order, but I also want to remember the original indexes of the new samples.<
Well, my solution uses residue technique. We can place the values under sorting in the upper 2 bytes and the indices of the elements - in the lower 2 bytes:
int myints[] = {32,71,12,45,26,80,53,33};
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
myints[i] = myints[i]*(1 << 16) + i;
Then sort the array myints
as usual:
std::vector<int> myvector(myints, myints+8);
sort(myvector.begin(), myvector.begin()+8, std::less<int>());
After that you can access the elements' indices via residuum. The following code prints the indices of the values sorted in the ascending order:
for (std::vector<int>::iterator it = myvector.begin(); it != myvector.end(); ++it)
std::cout << ' ' << (*it)%(1 << 16);
Of course, this technique works only for the relatively small values in the original array myints
(i.e. those which can fit into upper 2 bytes of int
). But it has additional benefit of distinguishing identical values of myints
: their indices will be printed in the right order.
There are many ways. A rather simple solution is to use a 2D vector.
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main() {
vector<vector<double>> val_and_id;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
val_and_id[i].resize(2); // one to store value, the other for index.
// Store value in dimension 1, and index in the other:
// say values are 5,4,7,1,3.
val_and_id[0][0] = 5.0;
val_and_id[1][0] = 4.0;
val_and_id[2][0] = 7.0;
val_and_id[3][0] = 1.0;
val_and_id[4][0] = 3.0;
val_and_id[0][1] = 0.0;
val_and_id[1][1] = 1.0;
val_and_id[2][1] = 2.0;
val_and_id[3][1] = 3.0;
val_and_id[4][1] = 4.0;
sort(val_and_id.begin(), val_and_id.end());
// display them:
cout << "Index \t" << "Value \n";
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
cout << val_and_id[i][1] << "\t" << val_and_id[i][0] << "\n";
return 0;
Here is the output:
Index Value
3 1
4 3
1 4
0 5
2 7
Using C++
11 lambdas:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <numeric> // std::iota
#include <algorithm> // std::sort, std::stable_sort
using namespace std;
template <typename T>
vector<size_t> sort_indexes(const vector<T> &v) {
// initialize original index locations
vector<size_t> idx(v.size());
iota(idx.begin(), idx.end(), 0);
// sort indexes based on comparing values in v
// using std::stable_sort instead of std::sort
// to avoid unnecessary index re-orderings
// when v contains elements of equal values
stable_sort(idx.begin(), idx.end(),
[&v](size_t i1, size_t i2) {return v[i1] < v[i2];});
return idx;
Now you can use the returned index vector in iterations such as
for (auto i: sort_indexes(v)) {
cout << v[i] << endl;
You can also choose to supply your original index vector, sort function, comparator, or automatically reorder v in the sort_indexes function using an extra vector.
I came across this question, and figured out sorting the iterators directly would be a way to sort the values and keep track of indices; There is no need to define an extra container of pair
s of ( value, index ) which is helpful when the values are large objects; The iterators provides the access to both the value and the index:
* a function object that allows to compare
* the iterators by the value they point to
template < class RAIter, class Compare >
class IterSortComp
IterSortComp ( Compare comp ): m_comp ( comp ) { }
inline bool operator( ) ( const RAIter & i, const RAIter & j ) const
return m_comp ( * i, * j );
const Compare m_comp;
template <class INIter, class RAIter, class Compare>
void itersort ( INIter first, INIter last, std::vector < RAIter > & idx, Compare comp )
idx.resize ( std::distance ( first, last ) );
for ( typename std::vector < RAIter >::iterator j = idx.begin( ); first != last; ++ j, ++ first )
* j = first;
std::sort ( idx.begin( ), idx.end( ), IterSortComp< RAIter, Compare > ( comp ) );
as for the usage example:
std::vector < int > A ( n );
// populate A with some random values
std::generate ( A.begin( ), A.end( ), rand );
std::vector < std::vector < int >::const_iterator > idx;
itersort ( A.begin( ), A.end( ), idx, std::less < int > ( ) );
now, for example, the 5th smallest element in the sorted vector would have value **idx[ 5 ]
and its index in the original vector would be distance( A.begin( ), *idx[ 5 ] )
or simply *idx[ 5 ] - A.begin( )
You could sort std::pair instead of just ints - first int is original data, second int is original index. Then supply a comparator that only sorts on the first int. Example:
Your problem instance: v = [5 7 8]
New problem instance: v_prime = [<5,0>, <8,1>, <7,2>]
Sort the new problem instance using a comparator like:
typedef std::pair<int,int> mypair;
bool comparator ( const mypair& l, const mypair& r)
{ return l.first < r.first; }
// forgetting the syntax here but intent is clear enough
The result of std::sort on v_prime, using that comparator, should be:
v_prime = [<5,0>, <7,2>, <8,1>]
You can peel out the indices by walking the vector, grabbing .second from each std::pair.
For this type of question Store the orignal array data into a new data and then binary search the first element of the sorted array into the duplicated array and that indice should be stored into a vector or array.
input array=>a
duplicate array=>b
vector=>c(Stores the indices(position) of the orignal array
Here binarysearch is a function which takes the array,size of array,searching item and would return the position of the searched item