I have a spring @configuration annotated class MappingsClientConfig with a boolean field as:
private boolean mappi
This is how it was solved in our project, as the other answers didn't work for us. We were using spring batch, also.
main job config:
public class MainJobConfiguration {
PipelineConfig config;
public PipelineConfig pipelineConfig(){
return new PipelineConfig();
// To resolve ${} in @Value
public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertyConfigInDev() {
return new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
// job stuff ...
properties config loader:
public class PipelineConfig {
private boolean option;
Note how the @Value
is in the PipelineConfig, but the actual properties from which the option is loaded, is specified in the job class.
Looks like you're missing the PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer. You need to register it as a bean factory post processor. Theoretically this could be done like this:
public class PostProcessorConfig {
public BeanFactoryPostProcessor getPP() {
PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer configurer = new PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer();
configurer.setLocations(new Resource[]{new ClassPathResource("/my.properties")});
return configurer;
However, there seems to be a bug that causes other issues doing this from a java based configuration. See ticket for workarounds.
Its an old thread but if you still want to inject Non-String values using @Value Spring annotation, do this:
@Value("#{new Boolean('${item.priceFactor}')}")
private Boolean itemFactorBoolean;
@Value("#{new Integer('${item.priceFactor}')}")
private Integer itemFactorInteger;
Works for me on Spring boot 1.5.9 with Java 8.
You even do not need a properties file, e.g.:
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer" />