Why does java wait so long to run the garbage collector?

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傲寒 2020-12-05 17:12

I am building a Java web app, using the Play! Framework. I\'m hosting it on playapps.net. I have been puzzling for a while over the provided graphs of memory consumption.

  • 2020-12-05 17:27

    Any detailed answer is going to depend on which garbage collector you're using, but there are some things that are basically the same across all (modern, sun/oracle) GCs.

    Every time you see the usage in the graph go down, that is a garbage collection. The only way heap gets freed is through garbage collection. The thing is there are two types of garbage collections, minor and full. The heap gets divided into two basic "areas." Young and tenured. (There are lots more subgroups in reality.) Anything that is taking up space in Young and is still in use when the minor GC comes along to free up some memory, is going to get 'promoted' into tenured. Once something makes the leap into tenured, it sits around indefinitely until the heap has no free space and a full garbage collection is necessary.

    So one interpretation of that graph is that your young generation is fairly small (by default it can be a fairly small % of total heap on some JVMs) and you're keeping objects "alive" for comparatively very long times. (perhaps you're holding references to them in the web session?) So your objects are 'surviving' garbage collections until they get promoted into tenured space, where they stick around indefinitely until the JVM is well and good truly out of memory.

    Again, that's just one common situation that fits with the data you have. Would need full details about the JVM configuration and the GC logs to really tell for sure what's going on.

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  • 2020-12-05 17:31

    Java won't run the garbage cleaner until it has to, because the garbage cleaner slows things down quite a bit and shouldn't be run that frequently. I think you would be OK to schedule a cleaning more frequently, such as every 3 hours. If an application never consumes full memory, there should be no reason to ever run the garbage cleaner, which is why Java only runs it when the memory is very high.

    So basically, don't worry about what others say: do what works best. If you find performance improvements from running the garbage cleaner at 66% memory, do it.

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  • 2020-12-05 17:33

    I had an app that produced a graph like that and acted as you describe. I was using the CMS collector (-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC). Here is what was going on in my case.

    I did not have enough memory configured for the application, so over time I was running into fragmentation problems in the heap. This caused GCs with greater and greater frequency, but it did not actually throw an OOME or fail out of CMS to the serial collector (which it is supposed to do in that case) because the stats it keeps only count application paused time (GC blocks the world), application concurrent time (GC runs with application threads) is ignored for those calculations. I tuned some parameters, mainly gave it a whole crap load more heap (with a very large new space), set -XX:CMSFullGCsBeforeCompaction=1, and the problem stopped occurring.

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  • 2020-12-05 17:33

    Probably you do have memory leaks that's cleared every 24 hours.

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  • 2020-12-05 17:48

    As you might have noticed, this does not affect you. The garbage collection only kicks in if the JVM feels there is a need for it to run and this happens for the sake of optimization, there's no use of doing many small collections if you can make a single full collection and do a full cleanup.

    The current JVM contains some really interesting algorithms and the garbage collection itself id divided into 3 different regions, you can find a lot more about this here, here's a sample:

    Three types of collection algorithms

    The HotSpot JVM provides three GC algorithms, each tuned for a specific type of collection within a specific generation. The copy (also known as scavenge) collection quickly cleans up short-lived objects in the new generation heap. The mark-compact algorithm employs a slower, more robust technique to collect longer-lived objects in the old generation heap. The incremental algorithm attempts to improve old generation collection by performing robust GC while minimizing pauses.

    Copy/scavenge collection

    Using the copy algorithm, the JVM reclaims most objects in the new generation object space (also known as eden) simply by making small scavenges -- a Java term for collecting and removing refuse. Longer-lived objects are ultimately copied, or tenured, into the old object space.

    Mark-compact collection

    As more objects become tenured, the old object space begins to reach maximum occupancy. The mark-compact algorithm, used to collect objects in the old object space, has different requirements than the copy collection algorithm used in the new object space.

    The mark-compact algorithm first scans all objects, marking all reachable objects. It then compacts all remaining gaps of dead objects. The mark-compact algorithm occupies more time than the copy collection algorithm; however, it requires less memory and eliminates memory fragmentation.

    Incremental (train) collection

    The new generation copy/scavenge and the old generation mark-compact algorithms can't eliminate all JVM pauses. Such pauses are proportional to the number of live objects. To address the need for pauseless GC, the HotSpot JVM also offers incremental, or train, collection.

    Incremental collection breaks up old object collection pauses into many tiny pauses even with large object areas. Instead of just a new and an old generation, this algorithm has a middle generation comprising many small spaces. There is some overhead associated with incremental collection; you might see as much as a 10-percent speed degradation.

    The -Xincgc and -Xnoincgc parameters control how you use incremental collection. The next release of HotSpot JVM, version 1.4, will attempt continuous, pauseless GC that will probably be a variation of the incremental algorithm. I won't discuss incremental collection since it will soon change.

    This generational garbage collector is one of the most efficient solutions we have for the problem nowadays.

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  • 2020-12-05 17:49

    I am noticing that the graph isn't sloping strictly upward until the drop, but has smaller local variations. Although I'm not certain, I don't think memory use would show these small drops if there was no garbage collection going on.

    There are minor and major collections in Java. Minor collections occur frequently, whereas major collections are rarer and diminish performance more. Minor collections probably tend to sweep up stuff like short-lived object instances created within methods. A major collection will remove a lot more, which is what probably happened at the end of your graph.

    Now, some answers that were posted while I'm typing this give good explanations regarding the differences in garbage collectors, object generations and more. But that still doesn't explain why it would take so absurdly long (nearly 24 hours) before a serious cleaning is done.

    Two things of interest that can be set for a JVM at startup are the maximum allowed heap size, and the initial heap size. The maximum is a hard limit, once you reach that, further garbage collection doesn't reduce memory usage and if you need to allocate new space for objects or other data, you'll get an OutOfMemoryError. However, internally there's a soft limit as well: the current heap size. A JVM doesn't immediately gobble up the maximum amount of memory. Instead, it starts at your initial heap size and then increases the heap when it's needed. Think of it a bit as the RAM of your JVM, that can increase dynamically.

    If the actual memory use of your application starts to reach the current heap size, a garbage collection will typically be instigated. This might reduce the memory use, so an increase in heap size isn't needed. But it's also possible that the application currently does need all that memory and would exceed the heap size. In that case, it is increased provided that it hasn't already reached the maximum set limit.

    Now, what might be your case is that the initial heap size is set to the same value as the maximum. Suppose that would be so, then the JVM will immediately seize all that memory. It will take a very long time before the application has accumulated enough garbage to reach the heap size in memory usage. But at that moment you'll see a large collection. Starting with a small enough heap and allowing it to grow keeps the memory use limited to what's needed.

    This is assuming that your graph shows heap use and not allocated heap size. If that's not the case and you are actually seeing the heap itself grow like this, something else is going on. I'll admit I'm not savvy enough regarding the internals of garbage collection and its scheduling to be absolutely certain of what's happening here, most of this is from observation of leaking applications in profilers. So if I've provided faulty info, I'll take this answer down.

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