What is the best way to get value from java.util.Collection
by index?
Convert the collection into an array by using function
Object[] toArray(Object[] a)
I agree that this is generally a bad idea. However, Commons Collections had a nice routine for getting the value by index if you really need to:
CollectionUtils.get(collection, index)
You must either wrap your collection in a list (new ArrayList(c)
) or use c.toArray()
since Collections have no notion of "index" or "order".
I agree with Matthew Flaschen's answer and just wanted to show examples of the options for the case you cannot switch to List (because a library returns you a Collection):
List list = new ArrayList(theCollection);
Object[] list2 = theCollection.toArray();
If you know what generics is I can provide samples for that too.
Edit: It's another question what the intent and semantics of the original collection is.