SOAP is useful from a tooling perspective because the WSDL is so easily consumed by tools. So, you can get Web Service clients generated for you in your favorite language.
REST plays well with AJAX'y web pages. If you keep your requests simple, you can make service calls directly from your JavaScript, and that comes in very handy. Try to stay away from having any namespaces in your response XML, I've seen browsers choke on those. So, xsi:type is probably not going to work for you, no overly complex XML Schemas.
REST tends to have better performance as well. CPU requirements of the code generating REST responses tend to be lower than what SOAP frameworks exhibit. And, if you have your XML generation ducks lined up on the server side, you can effectively stream XML out to the client. So, imagine you're reading rows of database cursor. As you read a row, you format it as an XML element, and you write that directly out to the service consumer. This way, you don't have to collect all of the database rows in memory before starting to write your XML output - you read and write at the same time. Look into novel templating engines or XSLT to get the streaming to work for REST.
SOAP on the other hand tends to get generated by tool-generated services as a big blob and only then written. This is not an absolute truth, mind you, there are ways to get streaming characteristics out of SOAP, like by using attachments.
My decision making process is as follows: if I want my service to be easily tooled by consumers, and the messages I write will be medium-to-small-ish (10MB or less), and I don't mind burning some extra CPU cycles on the server, I go with SOAP. If I need to serve to AJAX on web browsers, or I need the thing to stream, or my responses are gigantic, I go REST.
Finally, there are lots of great standards built up around SOAP, like WS-Security and getting stateful Web Services, that you can plug in to if you're using the right tools. That kind of stuff really makes a difference, and can help you satisfy some hairy requirements.