git push hangs after Total line

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孤独总比滥情好 2020-12-05 16:38

My git push is hanging after appearing to complete the push. I am going git push

Counting objects: 51, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.

  • 2020-12-05 17:38

    I had the same issue and it turns out I had an older version (that i deleted but had the same name) of the repo connected to Heroku. When i disconnected it, it completed the push.

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  • 2020-12-05 17:40

    See if you have staged, but not committed changes. (git status)

    If so, commit (or unstage) those and then try to push. Worked for me.

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  • 2020-12-05 17:41

    Waiting until the upload finished doesn't work for me. I pushed not very big file, but waited long enough, still hanged.

    What helped for me is updating from msysgit 1.9.5 to git-for-windows 2.6.2.

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  • 2020-12-05 17:42

    The problem is that the upload file is big.

    Either you wait it out or go to your project folder and delete all the libraries which you could find in the target folder if using maven. Then do the push and it will happen quickly.

    Anyways, the library folders need not be stored in git, it's just a waste of git space unless and until they are not available in the maven repositories and you really need to store them

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  • 2020-12-05 17:43

    I wanted to second @Fabio's comment to the original post - that solved it for me.

    I'm running my own ad hoc local git server on Raspberry Pi. I forgot to chown the new bare repo, and pushing the first commit from a remote PC would just hang indefinitely.

    This fixed it (running chown as root or with sudo):

    cd /srv/git
    chown git:git -R <repo_name>.git

    Replacing <repo_name> with the name of your repo.

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