I am trying to setup Tomcat with my current source code. I downloaded the zip from tomcat site (6.0.32).
I then put in the config file for my project in tomcat
Please check you web.xml In that put
instead of AllAuthenticatedUsers
in <role-name>AllAuthenticatedUser</role-name>
Just try this and let me know whether it worked or not.
This one works for me
<role rolename="manager"/>
<user username="admin" password="admin" roles="manager"/>
You need to change the form actions to Post, apparently there is a problem with the GET method on the 6.0.32 version of tomcat, it should be fixed in 6.0.33 version of tomcat.
link to tomcat bugzilla
I had the same problem. I needed to do two things. In the web.xml you have to define BASIC or an other method leading to a form based login prompt and a role-name for example Admin:
<web-resource-name>Protected Admin Area</web-resource-name>
In the tomcat-users.xml add a user with the role Admin, or if you use a graphic interface like eclipse do the following:
You should choose manager roles which are defined by tomcat instead of admin or manager.
manager-gui - Allows access to the html interface
manager-script - Allows access to the plain text interface
manager-jmx - Allows access to the JMX proxy interface
manager-status - Allows access to the read-only status pages
link to Configuring Manager Application access in tomcat