I\'d like the ScalaDoc I generate with sbt to link to external libraries, and in sbt 0.13 we have autoAPIMappings
which is supposed to add these links for libra
The accepted answer is good, but it'll fail when assumptions about exact project dependencies don't hold. Here's a variation that might prove useful:
apiMappings ++= {
def mappingsFor(organization: String, names: List[String], location: String, revision: (String) => String = identity): Seq[(File, URL)] =
for {
entry: Attributed[File] <- (fullClasspath in Compile).value
module: ModuleID <- entry.get(moduleID.key)
if module.organization == organization
if names.exists(module.name.startsWith)
} yield entry.data -> url(location.format(revision(module.revision)))
val mappings: Seq[(File, URL)] =
mappingsFor("org.scala-lang", List("scala-library"), "http://scala-lang.org/api/%s/") ++
mappingsFor("com.typesafe.akka", List("akka-actor"), "http://doc.akka.io/api/akka/%s/") ++
mappingsFor("com.typesafe.play", List("play-iteratees", "play-json"), "http://playframework.com/documentation/%s/api/scala/index.html", _.replaceAll("[\\d]$", "x"))
(Including scala-library
here is redundant, but useful for illustration purposes.)
If you perform mappings foreach println
, you'll get output like (note that I don't have Akka in my dependencies):
This approach:
provided to names
, all modules for an organization.Those improvements allow you to create a separate SBT file (call it scaladocMappings.sbt
) that can be maintained in a single location and easily copy and pasted into any project.
I managed to get this working for referencing scalaz and play by doing the following:
apiMappings ++= {
val cp: Seq[Attributed[File]] = (fullClasspath in Compile).value
def findManagedDependency(organization: String, name: String): File = {
( for {
entry <- cp
module <- entry.get(moduleID.key)
if module.organization == organization
if module.name.startsWith(name)
jarFile = entry.data
} yield jarFile
findManagedDependency("org.scalaz", "scalaz-core") -> url("https://scalazproject.ci.cloudbees.com/job/nightly_2.10/ws/target/scala-2.10/unidoc/")
, findManagedDependency("com.typesafe.play", "play-json") -> url("http://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.2.1/api/scala/")
YMMV of course.
Alternatively to my last suggestion, the sbt-api-mappings plugin by ThoughtWorks shows a lot of promise. Long term, that's a far more sustainable route than each project maintaining its own set of mappings.