So here\'s the problem. I\'m set to release an update soon for iOS that will address some problems in iOS 7. In order to do this, I need to use some specific iOS 7 functio
If you want to compile your app with two difference versions of Xcode or two different Base SDK settings then you should use compiler directives:
#if __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= 70000 // iOS 7.0 supported
// iOS 7 code here
// Pre-iOS 7 code here
Do not use this for runtime checks. This solution is only to be used when you must compile your code with two different versions. An example would be you have added iOS 7 code but you still need to compile the code with Xcode 4.6. Using the compile directives allows you to "hide" the iOS 7 code from the compiler using the older Base SDK.
See the "SDK Compatibility Guide" in the docs for more on this and proper runtime checks.