Numpy\'s logical_or
function takes no more than two arrays to compare. How can I find the union of more than two arrays? (The same question could be asked wit
As boolean algebras are both commutative and associative by definition, the following statements or equivalent for boolean values of a, b and c.
a or b or c
(a or b) or c
a or (b or c)
(b or a) or c
So if you have a "logical_or" which is dyadic and you need to pass it three arguments (a, b, and c), you can call
logical_or(logical_or(a, b), c)
logical_or(a, logical_or(b, c))
logical_or(c, logical_or(b, a))
or whatever permutation you like.
Back to python, if you want to test whether a condition (yielded by a function test
that takes a testee and returns a boolean value) applies to a or b or c or any element of list L, you normally use
any(test(x) for x in L)
I use this workaround which can be extended to n arrays:
>>> a = np.array([False, True, False, False])
>>> b = np.array([True, False, False, False])
>>> c = np.array([False, False, False, True])
>>> d = (a + b + c > 0) # That's an "or" between multiple arrays
>>> d
array([ True, True, False, True], dtype=bool)
using the sum function:
a = np.array([True, False, True])
b = array([ False, False, True])
c = np.vstack([a,b,b])
array([[ True, False, True],
[False, False, True],
[False, False, True]], dtype=bool)
Out[173]: array([ True, False, True], dtype=bool)
Building on abarnert's answer for n-dimensional case:
TL;DR: np.logical_or.reduce(np.array(list))
I've tried the following three different methods to get the logical_and
of a list l of k arrays of size n:
(see below)numpy.logical_and.reduce(l)
Then I did the same for the logical_or
function. Surprisingly enough, the recursive method is the fastest one.
import numpy
import perfplot
def and_recursive(*l):
if len(l) == 1:
return l[0].astype(bool)
elif len(l) == 2:
return numpy.logical_and(l[0],l[1])
elif len(l) > 2:
return and_recursive(and_recursive(*l[:2]),and_recursive(*l[2:]))
def or_recursive(*l):
if len(l) == 1:
return l[0].astype(bool)
elif len(l) == 2:
return numpy.logical_or(l[0],l[1])
elif len(l) > 2:
return or_recursive(or_recursive(*l[:2]),or_recursive(*l[2:]))
def and_reduce(*l):
return numpy.logical_and.reduce(l)
def or_reduce(*l):
return numpy.logical_or.reduce(l)
def and_stack(*l):
return numpy.vstack(l).all(axis=0)
def or_stack(*l):
return numpy.vstack(l).any(axis=0)
k = 10 # number of arrays to be combined
setup=lambda n: [numpy.random.choice(a=[False, True], size=n) for j in range(k)],
lambda l: and_recursive(*l),
lambda l: and_reduce(*l),
lambda l: and_stack(*l),
lambda l: or_recursive(*l),
lambda l: or_reduce(*l),
lambda l: or_stack(*l),
labels = ['and_recursive', 'and_reduce', 'and_stack', 'or_recursive', 'or_reduce', 'or_stack'],
n_range=[2 ** j for j in range(20)],
Here below the performances for k = 4.
And here below the performances for k = 10.
It seems that there is an approximately constant time overhead also for higher n.
In case someone still need this - Say you have three Boolean arrays a
, b
, c
with the same shape, this gives and
a * b * c
this gives or
a + b + c
Is this what you want?
Stacking a lot of logical_and
or logical_or
is not practical.