I am trying to setup an Haproxy to load balance requests on a few backends identified by the uri path. For example:
If I understand you correctly, replace the example below:
reqrep ^([^\ ]\*)\ /([-.0-9A-Za-z]\*)/([a-zA-Z]\*)/(.\*) \1\ /\3-\2/\4
reqrep search string [{if | unless} cond]
You have no spaces.
The answer above is a single fix that doesn't explain the root of the problem. The problem is that many assume we're parsing a complete URL or only the PATH component, when we're actually parsing/rewriting HTTP headers.
For example:
curl -iv https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24784517/haproxy-route-and-rewrite-based-on-uri-path
* Trying
> GET /questions/24784517/haproxy-route-and-rewrite-based-on-uri-path HTTP/1.1
> Host: stackoverflow.com
> User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
> Accept: */*
The goal is to rewrite GET /some_path HTTP/1.1
to GET /some_other_path HTTP/1.1
I want to clarify that the solution above works because it takes into account the HTTP verb in the match and replace. ^([^\ ]\*)\ (.*)
to capture the verb and use it in the replacement pattern. \1 \2