can be called from the Activity, which extends AccountAuthenticatorActivity
. My activity extends that, but launches A
When you create the AsyncTask, you can add a new constructor to it, and pass in a reference to the Activity:
AsyncTask myTask = new MyTask(this);
And then from the onPostExecute() method in the AsyncTask you can call the method on the Activity.
public class MyTask extends AsyncTask<String, String, String>
public MyActivity activity;
public MyTask(MyActivity a)
this.activity = a;
// ......
protected void onPostExecute(String result)
Follow these steps:
1) Create an interface
public interface AsyncTaskListener{
public void updateResult(String result);
2) Use the listener in your AsyncTask
DownloadSongTask extends AsyncTask<String,Integer,String>{
private AsyncTaskListener listener;
public DownloadSongTask(Context context)
listener= (AsyncTaskListener)context; // Typecast
public void doInbackGround(String... params)
// Download code
int downloadPerc = // calculate that
public void onPostExecute(String result)
listener.updateResult(String result); // Use it
3) Implement the interface in your Activity and Override the interface method
public class YourActivity extends AppcompatActivity implements AsyncTaskListener{
// Activity code //
new DownloadSongTask(this).execute("Paradise.mp3"); // this is how you start Task
public void yourMethod(String arg)
// Your method related Stuff
public void updateResult(String result){
This seems a lengthy approach at first but if you use this approach
You can make a loosely coupled AsyncTask. Which means you can use same AsyncTask with any Activity in Future without even changing code in your AsyncTask.
For better understanding you can read this ANSWER