How do I create then use long Windows paths from Perl?

前端 未结 5 1367
南笙 2020-12-05 15:01

I have part of a build process that creates a hideously long paths in Windows. It\'s not my fault. It\'s several directories deep, and none of the directory names are abnorm

  • 2020-12-05 15:03

    I understand this is not a solution to your specific problem. However, there are a lot of scenarios where being able to map a very long path to a drive-letter would allow one to sidestep the issue and would therefore be useful in dealing with very long path names without having to wade through a whole lot of Windows specific code and docs.

    Despite all the effort I put into figuring out how to do this, I am going to recommend somehow using SUBST. Win32::FileOp provides Subst and Unsubst. You can then map the top level working directory to an unused drive letter (which you can find by using Substed). I would start checking with Z and working backwards.

    Or, you can shell out, invoke subst utility with no parameters to get a list of current substitutions, choose one that is not there.

    None of this is entirely safe as substitutions could change during the build process.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-05 15:05

    This should really be a comment but posting code in comments is hardly useful.

    UNC paths do not work either:

    C:\> net share
    perlbuild    e:\home\src
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use File::Path qw(make_path);
    use File::Slurp;
    use Path::Class;
    my $top = dir('//Computer/perlbuild');
    my @comps = ('0123456789') x 30;
    my $path = dir($top, @comps);
    make_path $path, { verbose => 1 };
    my $file = file($path, 'test.txt');
    write_file "$file" => 'This is a test';
    print read_file "$file";


    mkdir \\Computer\perlbuild\0123456789\0123456789\0123456789\0123456789\0123456
    23456789\0123456789: No such file or directory; The filename or extension is too
     long at C:\Temp\ line 15
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-05 15:07

    Following code actually creates quite deep (more than 260 characters long) directory structure. At least on my machine:

    use Win32::API;
    $cd = Win32::API->new('kernel32', 'CreateDirectoryW', 'PP', 'N');
    $dir = '\\\\?\\c:\\!experiments';
    $res = 1;
        print 'path length: ' . length($dir) . "\n";
        $dirname = pack('S*', unpack('C*', "$dir\0"));  #dirty way to produce UTF-16LE string
        $res = $cd->Call($dirname, 0);
        print "$res\n";
        $dir .= '\\abcde';
    } while ( $res );
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-05 15:11

    I had three thoughts, all of them kind of hacks:

    1. Start with some short directory names (C:\data_directory\a\b\c\d\4\5\6\...) and then rename the directories (starting with the deepest directory first of course).

    2. Create Windows shortcut to a moderately long path and create files and subdirectories from there? (Or install Cygwin and use symlinks?)

    3. Create the desired files in a directory with a short name, zip/tar them, and unpack them to the directory with the longer name. Or create zip/tar files "by hand" and unpack them in the desired location.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-05 15:27


    The following script works: It writes a string to a file in a directory with a long path and it is able to read back the same string. (A successful run produces no console output). I have also made a cumbersome effort to override open.

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Carp;
    use Encode qw( encode );
    use Symbol;
    use Win32;
    use Win32API::File qw(
        CreateFileW OsFHandleOpen
    use Win32::API;
    use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);
        Kernel32 => qq{BOOL CreateDirectoryW(LPWSTR lpPathNameW, VOID *p)}
    my %modes = (
        '<' => {
            access => FILE_GENERIC_READ,
            create => OPEN_EXISTING,
            mode   => 'r',
        '>' => {
            access => FILE_GENERIC_WRITE,
            create => CREATE_ALWAYS,
            mode   => 'w',
        # and the rest ...
    use ex::override open => sub(*;$@) {
        $_[0] = gensym;
        my %mode = %{ $modes{$_[1]} };
        my $os_fh = CreateFileW(
            encode('UCS-2le', "$_[2]\0"),
        ) or do {$! = $^E; return };
        OsFHandleOpen($_[0], $os_fh, $mode{mode}) or return;
        return 1;
    my $path = '\\\\?\\' . Win32::GetLongPathName($ENV{TEMP});
    my @comps = ('0123456789') x 30;
    my $dir = mk_long_dir($path, \@comps);
    my $file = 'test.txt';
    my $str = "This is a test\n";
    write_test_file($dir, $file, $str);
    $str eq read_test_file($dir, $file) or die "Read failure\n";
    sub write_test_file {
        my ($dir, $file, $str) = @_,
        my $path = catfile $dir, $file;
        open my $fh, '>', $path
            or croak "Cannot open '$path':$!";
        print $fh $str or die "Cannot print: $!";
        close $fh or die "Cannot close: $!";
    sub read_test_file {
        my ($dir, $file) = @_,
        my $path = catfile $dir, $file;
        open my $fh, '<', $path
            or croak "Cannot open '$path': $!";
        my $contents = do { local $/; <$fh> };
        close $fh or die "Cannot close: $!";
        return $contents;
    sub mk_long_dir {
        my ($path, $comps) = @_;
        for my $comp ( @$comps ) {
            $path = catfile $path, $comp;
            my $ucs_path = encode('UCS-2le', "$path\0");
            CreateDirectoryW($ucs_path, undef)
                or croak "Failed to create directory: '$path': $^E";
        return $path;

    Using Win32::GetANSIPathName() with built-in open does not work: The path returned is too long.

    See edit history for failed experiments.

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