I am currently trying to figure out the best way to create a .xls file from PHP. It seems like to me that all I need to do is change the header content type to \"application
You could use one of the XML formats that Microsoft Office understands.
See Microsoft's OpenXML Developer site for details/specs.
There is a library on called PHPExcel that you can look at to help you with this.
Of course, this all depends on what you mean by:
"get the most out of that file format"
If you just have simple tables with no formatting, CSV files may be all you need; however, if you want to use more features of a spreadsheet, I would recommend taking a look at OpenXML.
Take a look at this PEAR package: Spreadsheet Excel Writer
You can start using this files. It will create a excel file and help you download it.
You can add rows like this in the
->setCellValue('A1', 'Roll')
->setCellValue('B1', 'Name')
->setCellValue('C1', 'Total Classes')
->setCellValue('D1', 'Class Attended')
->setCellValue('E1', 'Percentage');
You can print data from a database like this using a while loop.
while ($row = $database->fetch_array($result))
->setCellValue('A'.$i, $row[0])
->setCellValue('B'.$i, $row[1])
->setCellValue('C'.$i, $row[2])
->setCellValue('D'.$i, $total)
->setCellValue('E'.$i, round(($row[2]/$total)*100));