I\'m using Aspose.Cells to build an Excel document programmatically. This works great. One of the cells, though, is a block of raw HTML. I\'m wondering if it is possible to
Unfortunately the answer is no.
Excel has two HTML options:
You could, maybe possibly, come up with a macro that lets you enter HTML into a cell, then saves that HTML as a document, opens it up in another instance of Excel, then grabs that formatted HTML and places it in the original document; that way you would have two columns, one with the HTML, and one with the output. It would be very unsightly though. Don't do it :0)
I found an interesting YouTube video which shows how to create a simple HTML Interpreter (VBA) in Microsoft Excel using the web browser control. Enter your HTML and CSS code into a text box, and the form will convert the HTML into a web preview.
HTML Interpreter in Microsoft Excel 2010/2007 - Write directly to Web Browser
Pasting html data in excel will result in the html being properly displayed in excel. The one issue with this is that carriage returns and tabs will be pasted to the next cell.
Dim objData As New DataObject
Will fill a cell with properly formated text
This code worked for me on one cell (inspired by @Rick's answer, but with few changes because Clipboard.SetDataObject(objData)
caused error and also objRange.PasteSpecial()
didn't work):
Private Sub Worksheet_Change2(ByVal Target As Range, ByVal sht As Worksheet)
Dim objData As DataObject 'Set a reference to MS Forms 2.0'
Dim sHTML As String
Dim sSelAdd As String
Application.EnableEvents = False
objData = New DataObject
sHTML = Target.Text
objData.SetText sHTML
sht.PasteSpecial Format:="Unicode Text"
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Sub test()
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("F15") 'cell to change'
Worksheet_Change2 rng, ActiveSheet
End Sub
see this post for some more details
I guess it shouldn't be too difficult to tweak it a bit that it would work for entire worksheet and not only one specific cell, you should probably add some if condition to wrap this code in order to prevent errors, see this post for some more info