I am aware that IE supports the onreadystatechange
attribute on the object
tag, but this doesn\'t seem to be a standard way thus all other browsers
I'm not sure you can do this just using object attributes.
Have a look at this :
You can try something using onreadystatechange
When data is well loaded, readyState==4
and xmlhttp.status==200
You can try to use jQuery load function :
Export your <object/>
in a page called object.html
In your main page include :
<div id="theObject"></div>
function(response, status, xhr) { alert('Loaded : '+status);});
The message will be display when the request completes.
The <object onload>
attribute works well in latest versions of Firefox, Chrome and Opera (I've just tested it).
Also, the expression 'onload' in document.createElement('object')
evaluates to true
in Chrome and Opera; naturally, Firefox is an exception because such event support check doesn't work there generally. kangax describes cross-browser event support detection at http://perfectionkills.com/detecting-event-support-without-browser-sniffing/
So you want to trigger an event after the [PDF] object is loaded?
If so, this might help you:
----- EDITED [19/10/2011] -----
If you load the PDF inside an iframe, it will work.
Check this: http://sykari.net/stuff/iframe
The script will alert only after the PDF is completely loaded.
(Tested with FF7 + Win7).
----- EDITED [20/10/2011] -----
Using JQuery: http://jsfiddle.net/fcABz
To be sure it is working i have added a 36 pages PDF file to the iframe, so you can watch the progress bar (at least in FF7 there is one, not sure about Chrome) going up, and after it is fully loaded, you will see an alert.
Why? Because the .load method from JQuery will wait until all subelements inside the iframe are loaded.
The load event is sent to an element when it and all sub-elements have been completely loaded. This event can be sent to any element associated with a URL: images, scripts, frames, iframes, and the window object.
If you want to try more then once, clear the cache.
Or change the PDF to a bigger one, like this http://pubs.usgs.gov/tei/532/report.pdf (90 pages).