I have a variable in my bash script whose value is something like this:
Note that it is unexpanded tilde. When I do ls -lt on this
Simplest: replace 'magic' with 'eval echo'.
$ eval echo "~"
Problem: You're going to run into issues with other variables because eval is evil. For instance:
$ # home is /Users/Hacker$(s)
$ s="echo SCARY COMMAND"
$ eval echo $(eval echo "~")
Note that the issue of the injection doesn't happen on the first expansion. So if you were to simply replace magic
with eval echo
, you should be okay. But if you do echo $(eval echo ~)
, that would be susceptible to injection.
Similarly, if you do eval echo ~
instead of eval echo "~"
, that would count as twice expanded and therefore injection would be possible right away.
Here is the POSIX function equivalent of Håkon Hægland's Bash answer
expand_tilde() {
[ "$1" != "$tilde_less" ] && tilde_less="$HOME/$tilde_less"
printf '%s' "$tilde_less"
2017-12-10 edit: add '%s'
per @CharlesDuffy in the comments.
You might find this easier to do in python.
(1) From the unix command line:
python -c 'import os; import sys; print os.path.expanduser(sys.argv[1])' ~/fred
Results in:
(2) Within a bash script as a one-off - save this as test.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash
thepath=$(python -c 'import os; import sys; print os.path.expanduser(sys.argv[1])' $1)
echo $thepath
Running bash ./test.sh
results in:
(3) As a utility - save this as expanduser
somewhere on your path, with execute permissions:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os
print os.path.expanduser(sys.argv[1])
This could then be used on the command line:
expanduser ~/fred
Or in a script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
thepath=$(expanduser $1)
echo $thepath
Expanding (no pun intended) on birryree's and halloleo's answers: The general approach is to use eval
, but it comes with some important caveats, namely spaces and output redirection (>
) in the variable. The following seems to work for me:
if [ -e "`eval echo ${mypath//>}`" ]; then
echo "FOUND $mypath"
echo "$mypath NOT FOUND"
Try it with each of the following arguments:
'~/existing file with spaces'
'~/nonexistant file with spaces'
'~/string containing > redirection'
'~/string containing > redirection > again and >> again'
strips out >
characters which could clobber a file during the eval
. eval echo ...
is what does the actual tilde expansion-e
argument are for support of filenames with spaces.Perhaps there's a more elegant solution, but this is what I was able to come up with.
why not delve straight into getting the user's home directory with getent?
$ getent passwd mike | cut -d: -f6
Plagarizing myself from a prior answer, to do this robustly without the security risks associated with eval
expandPath() {
local path
local -a pathElements resultPathElements
IFS=':' read -r -a pathElements <<<"$1"
: "${pathElements[@]}"
for path in "${pathElements[@]}"; do
: "$path"
case $path in
IFS=: read -r _ _ _ _ _ homedir _ < <(getent passwd "$username")
if [[ $path = */* ]]; then
resultPathElements+=( "$path" )
local result
printf -v result '%s:' "${resultPathElements[@]}"
printf '%s\n' "${result%:}"
...used as...
path=$(expandPath '~/hello')
Alternately, a simpler approach that uses eval
expandPath() {
case $1 in
local content content_q
printf -v content_q '%q' "${1:2}"
eval "content=${1:0:2}${content_q}"
printf '%s\n' "$content"
local content content_q
printf -v content_q '%q' "${1:1}"
eval "content=~${content_q}"
printf '%s\n' "$content"
printf '%s\n' "$1"