I don\'t know how to check if a variable is primitive. In Java it\'s like this:
if var.isPrimitive():
It's not easy to say definitely what to consider 'primitive' in Python. But you can make a list and check all you want:
is_primitive = isinstance(myvar, (int, float, bool)) # extend the list to taste
You may want to take a look at types
module, that lists all python built-in types.
Since there are no primitive types in Python, you yourself must define what you consider primitive:
primitive = (int, str, bool, ...)
def is_primitive(thing):
return isinstance(thing, primitive)
But then, do you consider this primitive, too:
class MyStr(str):
If not, you could do this:
def is_primitive(thing):
return type(thing) in primitive
In Python, everything is an object; even ints and bools. So if by 'primitive' you mean "not an object" (as I think the word is used in Java), then there are no such types in Python.
If you want to know if a given value (remember, in Python variables do not have type, only values do) is an int, float, bool or whatever type you think of as 'primitive', then you can do:
if type(myval) in (int, float, bool, str ...):
# Sneaky stuff
(Need I mention that types are also objects, with a type of their own?)
If you also need to account for types that subclass the built-in types, check out the built-in isinstance() function.
Python gurus try to write code that makes minimal assumptions about what types will be sent in. Allowing this is one of the strengths of the language: it often allows code to work in unexpected ways. So you may want to avoid writing code that makes an arbitrary distinction between types.
As every one says, there is no primitive types in python. But I believe, this is what you want.
def isPrimitive(obj):
return not hasattr(obj, '__dict__')
isPrimitive(1) => True
isPrimitive("sample") => True
isPrimitive(213.1311) => True
isPrimitive({}) => True
isPrimitive([]) => True
isPrimitive(()) => True
class P:
isPrimitive(P) => False
isPrimitive(P()) => False
def func():
isPrimitive(func) => False
If it helps,
In [1]: type(1)
Out[1]: <type 'int'>
In [2]: type('a')
Out[2]: <type 'str'>
In [3]: (type(5.4)
Out[3]: <type 'float'>
In [5]: type(object)
Out[5]: <type 'type'>
In [8]: type(int)
Out[8]: <type 'type'>