I have a table that has 20 integer columns and 1 text column named \'foo\'
If I run query:
SELECT * from table_name where foo is NULL
If for some reason you have created a mixed-case or upper-case column name, you need to quote it, or get this error:
test=> create table moo("FOO" int);
test=> select * from moo;
(0 rows)
test=> select "foo" from moo;
ERROR: column "foo" does not exist
LINE 1: select "foo" from moo;
test=> _
Note how the error message gives the case in quotes.
I fixed similar issues by qutating column name
SELECT * from table_name where "foo" is NULL;
In my case it was just
SELECT id, "foo" from table_name;
without quotes i'v got same error.
PostreSQL apparently converts column names to lower case in a sql query - I've seen issues where mixed case column names will give that error. You can fix it by putting the column name in quotation marks:
SELECT * FROM table_name where "Foo" IS NULL
I fixed it by changing the quotation mark (") with apostrophe (') inside Values. For instance:
insert into trucks ("id","datetime") VALUES (862,"10-09-2002 09:15:59");
Becomes this:
insert into trucks ("id","datetime") VALUES (862,'10-09-2002 09:15:59');
Assuming datetime
column is VarChar.