error H14 happen while deploying to heroku this is my procfile:
web: gunicorn -w 4 -b$PORT -k gevent main:app
log on heroku:
The issue here is that you're not running any web dynos. You can tell Heroku to do this via:
$ heroku ps:scale web=1
This will force Heroku to spin up a web dyno, thereby executing your gunicorn command.
After 3 hours of debugging, I've figured out why my app was causing this error:
was incorrectly casedgunicorn
wasn't installed in my venv
Pretty basic errors not to have caught on Heroku's end, pretty obnoxious of them not to include in some error readout.
More info on dyno configuration – more on initializing your heroku app.
I don't have the reputation to reply to the correct comment, but for me the issue was that I didn't have the file in my root directory, this resulted in the same "No web processes running" error.
If you don't have this file, create it with contents:
gunicorn -b :5000 --access-logfile - --error-logfile - build:app
Where 'build' is the name of your python file ( in this case) and app is the name of your app in the code.
Also make sure that gunicorn is included in requirements.txt, like others have already pointed out.
I was having an issue here too. My problem was that my Procfile was "Procfile.txt" . What solved my issue was to remove the file extension from Procfile, then recommit and push stuff to heroku
from the list of buildpacksheroku ps:scale web=1
.And you're done!
Before this command:
heroku ps:scale web=1
I had to remove and add buildpacks again and empty commit it and redeploy it to heroku.
heroku buildpacks:clear
heroku buildpacks:add --index heroku/python