I need to insert multiple rows with one query (number of rows is not constant), so I need to execute query like this one:
INSERT INTO t (a, b) VALUES (1, 2),
Another nice and efficient approach - is to pass rows for insertion as 1 argument, which is array of json objects.
E.g. you passing argument:
[ {id: 18, score: 1}, { id: 19, score: 5} ]
It is array, which may contain any amount of objects inside. Then your SQL looks like:
INSERT INTO links (parent_id, child_id, score)
SELECT 123, (r->>'id')::int, (r->>'score')::int
FROM unnest($1::json[]) as r
Notice: Your postgress must be new enough, to support json
I built a program that inserts multiple lines to a server that was located in another city.
I found out that using this method was about 10 times faster than executemany
. In my case tup
is a tuple containing about 2000 rows. It took about 10 seconds when using this method:
args_str = ','.join(cur.mogrify("(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", x) for x in tup)
cur.execute("INSERT INTO table VALUES " + args_str)
and 2 minutes when using this method:
cur.executemany("INSERT INTO table VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", tup)
I've been using ant32's answer above for several years. However I've found that is thorws an error in python 3 because mogrify
returns a byte string.
Converting explicitly to bytse strings is a simple solution for making code python 3 compatible.
args_str = b','.join(cur.mogrify("(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", x) for x in tup)
cur.execute(b"INSERT INTO table VALUES " + args_str)
The cursor.copyfrom solution as provided by @jopseph.sheedy (https://stackoverflow.com/users/958118/joseph-sheedy) above (https://stackoverflow.com/a/30721460/11100064) is indeed lightning fast.
However, the example he gives are not generically usable for a record with any number of fields and it took me while to figure out how to use it correctly.
The IteratorFile needs to be instantiated with tab-separated fields like this (r
is a list of dicts where each dict is a record):
f = IteratorFile("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}".format(r["id"],
r["revenue"]) for r in records)
To generalise for an arbitrary number of fields we will first create a line string with the correct amount of tabs and field placeholders : "{}\t{}\t{}....\t{}"
and then use .format()
to fill in the field values : *list(r.values())) for r in records
line = "\t".join(["{}"] * len(records[0]))
f = IteratorFile(line.format(*list(r.values())) for r in records)
complete function in gist here.
cursor.copy_from is the fastest solution I've found for bulk inserts by far. Here's a gist I made containing a class named IteratorFile which allows an iterator yielding strings to be read like a file. We can convert each input record to a string using a generator expression. So the solution would be
args = [(1,2), (3,4), (5,6)]
f = IteratorFile(("{}\t{}".format(x[0], x[1]) for x in args))
cursor.copy_from(f, 'table_name', columns=('a', 'b'))
For this trivial size of args it won't make much of a speed difference, but I see big speedups when dealing with thousands+ of rows. It will also be more memory efficient than building a giant query string. An iterator would only ever hold one input record in memory at a time, where at some point you'll run out of memory in your Python process or in Postgres by building the query string.
All of these techniques are called 'Extended Inserts" in Postgres terminology, and as of the 24th of November 2016, it's still a ton faster than psychopg2's executemany() and all the other methods listed in this thread (which i tried before coming to this answer).
Here's some code which doesnt use cur.mogrify and is nice and simply to get your head around:
valueSQL = [ '%s', '%s', '%s', ... ] # as many as you have columns.
sqlrows = []
rowsPerInsert = 3 # more means faster, but with diminishing returns..
for row in getSomeData:
# row == [1, 'a', 'yolo', ... ]
sqlrows += row
if ( len(sqlrows)/len(valueSQL) ) % rowsPerInsert == 0:
# sqlrows == [ 1, 'a', 'yolo', 2, 'b', 'swag', 3, 'c', 'selfie' ]
insertSQL = 'INSERT INTO "twitter" VALUES ' + ','.join(['(' + ','.join(valueSQL) + ')']*rowsPerInsert)
cur.execute(insertSQL, sqlrows)
sqlrows = []
insertSQL = 'INSERT INTO "twitter" VALUES ' + ','.join(['(' + ','.join(valueSQL) + ')']*len(sqlrows))
cur.execute(insertSQL, sqlrows)
But it should be noted that if you can use copy_from(), you should use copy_from ;)