I am trying to encode and decode an image. I am using the FileReader\'s readAsDataURL method to convert the image to base64. Then to convert it back I have tried using
After some more research I found the answer from here I basically needed to wrap the raw binary in an arraybuffer and convert the binary chars to Unicode.
This is the code that was missing,
var binaryImg = atob(base64Image);
var length = binaryImg.length;
var ab = new ArrayBuffer(length);
var ua = new Uint8Array(ab);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
ua[i] = binaryImg.charCodeAt(i);
The full sample code is here
URL.createObjectURL expects a Blob (which can be a File) as its argument. Not a string. That's why URL.createObjectURL(file)
Instead, you are creating a FileReader reader
that reads file
as a data url, then you use that data url to create another Blob
(with the same contents). And then you even create a reader2
to get a binary string from the just constructed blob
. However, neither the base64Image
url string part (even if btoa
-decoded to a larger string) nor the decoded.binary
string are vaild arguments to URL.createObjectURL